In a post on her Goop-like wellness blog Purist, Cuomo shared a laundry list of holistic methods she is using to tackle the coronavirus, including a “body charger” borrowed from a friend that sends electrical frequencies through the body, a vitamin drip done by a doctor who makes house calls to the Hamptons and what appears to be billions of milligrams of vitamins.

Yet one method rang decidedly unnatural: bathing in Clorox.

Both days, I added 1/2 cup of Clorox to my bathwater to combat the radiation and metals in my system and oxygenate it,” she wrote of her routine.

Please Do Not Bathe In Clorox Like Cristina Cuomo Has Been Doing

She is chlorinating water that it is already chlorinated, I think almost doubling the amount which in no way can be healthy to the skin and other tender parts. These are the people that have to make up stuff that Trump never said to ridicule him, yet they do have problem sharing truly insane stuff like this.

Hat Tip Zeigfried W.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “Talk about chlorine in the gene pool”
  1. I sometimes soak my feet in dilute bleach; it’s pretty effective at knocking down foot fungus.
    I wouldn’t want to bathe other parts of my anatomy in it, though. Nor even the feet for very long. And radiation and metals? A little bird tells me it’s cuckoo o’clock.

  2. I suspect snake oil quacks have a tendency of dying from their home remedies or untreated illness. Darwin Award recipients?

    Just squirt some Windex on that! (H/T My Big Fat Greek Wedding)

  3. There’s a bit of a difference in diluting a small amount Clorox in a bathtub and ingesting it…but I suspect you already know that.

    “These are the people that have to make up stuff that Trump never said…”

    Well, but actually today he admitted that he did say what everyone heard…he was just being “sarcastic” when he said it. Putting aside the fact that I doubt he knows what the word “sarcastic” means, anyone with access to the video or the transcript can easily see and hear for themselves what actually happened.

    The real predicament for his fans after an event like this is reconciling their support for someone who actually believes that one can safely ingest disinfectants and then deciding whether someone like that should be POTUS of this great country.

    Or you can skip all that hard deciding stuff, plug your ears, yell “fake news,” and continue to put your politics before your country.

    But I suspect you already know that, too.

    1. Finally got tired of the beatings they dole out at Ace of Spades? Or is this another seminar commenter with the same name?

    2. Well, actually, gregg, I for one have few illusions about Trump.

      Is he a genius? In most meanings of the term, probably not. Has he molested women? I’d guess, probably, at least in today’s terms. Is he something of a buffoon? Quite. Is he a good businessman? Debatable.

      Is he a Washington outsider – something people of both parties said they wanted for as long as I can remember? He’s the closest thing to that we’ve seen since at least World War II.

      Does he believe in America (the nation and the idea) and want a better future for it? He certainly seems to.

      Has he gotten some results, where other “greater intellects” have not? Most definitely.

      Is he better for the country than his Democratic candidate opponents, in 2016 and 2020? …I’ll let you answer this one for yourself.

  4. There is no radiation in the body. Maybe a tiny fraction from radioisotopes of potassium, iodine, and hydrogen found in nature, but clorox isn’t going to eliminate that. It most certainly won’t oxygenate the body.

    That woman is bat shit banana crackers.

    1. Bodies have the same radiation as the general background, plus a little if you eat bananas. I recall a story that at one point German regulations on radioactive waste were set so low corpses qualified.

  5. That much bleach is nothing. It might be at the level of a swimming pool or hot tub, at most. Her rationalizing is crop, but it’s likely the least harmful thing she does.

  6. Homeopathy: Law Of Like Cures Like, as well as Law Of Minimum Dose.

    I would like advocates of homeopathy to fund, and have a disinterested institution conduct, as sufficiently powered (eg: enough study subjects) double blind study of any homeopathic remedy of their choosing.

    AND publish, widely, unaltered results.

  7. …did we somewhere lose the earlier post about his “treatment?” I wanted to refer my doctor friend to it…

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