So it seems I am no longer part of the Facebook page of Florida Carry. My ass got booted yesterday when I got tired of reading post from Chest Thumpers™ insinuating not so delicately that cops were the modern version of Red Coats and they were traitors. They were even accused of imposing taxes! I mean, I was misguided in the idea that taxes came from a legislature and signed by a governor, but I was unaware that it was cops that actually did that.  Then it came the expression “Land Pirates” and how the evil cops were harassing the good citizens on the roads and  highways of our nation to make money for themselves and the government using Gestapo tactics. MOAR TREASON!

Now, coming from a country where any encounter with  cop ran a 50-50 chance of you ending in a morgue slab, I find getting pulled over for speeding to being arrested by the SS and put in a wagon to a concentration camp a bit overblown and frankly very stupid.

I guess my tolerance for bullshit was lower than usual and I started to ask point blank when were they going to start killing cops. They suddenly started doing internet version of the moon walk and avoiding the issue. I mean, if cops are that much of a danger to our freedoms right this fucking minute  as they were saying, they should go ahead and take arms against them ASAP, right?

And suddenly I was no longer in the Facebook group. I am guessing they found my challenges to they Chest Thumping irritating or annoying or simply I was screwing with their flow. I said I guess because I have not been given a reason yet of the removal.

If the Facebook page of Florida Carry is representative of the rest of the organization, we pretty much are without a non-NRA Gun Group that is worth two shits in Florida. I am sure I am not the only one who is sick of these keyboard bravados and only take one infiltrated member of the opposition to have an early Christmas  screen-capping the many Chest Thumper™ anti cop comments and threats so they can be used at a later time to destroy whatever reputation Florida Carry has left.

On a previous post I said the Florida carry was being held hostage by the Chest Thumping/Open Carry Idiots clique and they needed to set some strong rules on how to use their name and image. Thinking about that later in light of how long this has been going, I thought maybe I was observing an organizational version of Stockholm syndrome. I am now dangerously close to believe Florida Carry no longer cares for sanity but figures that if Dudley Brown has made money taking by exaggerating and acting the chest-thumping fool catering to the idiots, so can they.

The last option would be worse: They are agreeing with the Chest Thumping Idiots.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Achievment: The one where I made people upset.”
  1. How different is our CW 2.0 and dinner vs switch from OCI chest thumping?

    How different from is it from “come and take it”?

    There is a similarity that a gun grabber can use to paint all of us with the same brush.

    1. There is a difference: We issued one warning but we have never advocate for the indiscriminate killing of any particular group.
      And many of us much rather have cops on our side, 5th column and all that being one of many motives.
      If we go into warfare mode, I rather have a bunch of allies. Chest Thumpers seem desperately seeking to create enemies so they can fulfill their fantasies. .

  2. Considering the abuse heaped upon cops by leftists (and don’t tell me they don’t do that, because I’d hate to have to take people to school), we don’t need to be abusing them as well.

    I’ve made my stance clear that I won’t tolerate bad behavior behind a badge — but I won’t stand by and let good badges be hammered either.

  3. They’re no different from some trust fund baby SJW at an Ivy League school Reeeing about all the Patriarchal Oppression they are under, and how they Can’t Even, and need a safe space & trauma counseling.

  4. I left two years ago because of a similar event. I called out a chest thumper for making a stupid comment and was piled on. So I posted to the site admins, asking them if it wouldn’t be a good idea to control what was said or done in their name.
    What happened next? The people on the site mined my FB page, and then photoshopped pictures of me and my wife into some fairly insulting images. That was the day that I stopped donating money to Florida Carry. Now I only donate to FPC and the Second Amendment Foundation, as far as gun rights organizations go.

  5. Dudley Brown ruined the Tennessee Firearms Association in a similar manner about 6 years ago, and we haven’t had a pro-gun bill since. They sure have declared a lot of legislators that used to carry bills for us traitors, though, so at least they got the virtue signaling down.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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