And some are finding it the hard way:

After the shooting in Provo, who is gonna risk being nice and letting “protestors”  surround a vehicle?

UPDATE: One of the vertically deployed individuals died: Summer Taylor

The driver has been arrested:

So by Monday, this will be a non-event? Perhaps Tuesday?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “The Blocking of Roads for Protests: Not an option anymore”
  1. So, um. If some people conspire to shut down an Interstate Highway, and someone dies as a result, can the conspirators be charged with anything? Or does it depend on their politics?

  2. Damn, you could hear the crunch from that distance.

    The only thing is that he looked like he was aiming for the protesters.

    If he had just shot straight through and not swerved or stopped I could have bought a legal defense of self defense and not wanting to stop fearing an potential ambush.

    1. I don’t see it as “aiming” at all, just the opposite. He moved to avoid the cars, then attempted to avoid the pedestrians by moving back into the road. It’s just bad luck that a couple of the pedestrians dodged in the same direction.
      Meanwhile I agree with Aaron. If you blockade a highway, at this point a rational person would view that as a threat of death or great bodily injury, so his reaction was entirely justified

  3. 47.618964, -122.328683

    Driver headed south on i5 (express?), in the dark, around a slight bend, and sees a blockade of cars while he’s traveling, what, 60, 70mph?
    The shoulder is the only option, which of course is full of people wearing black clothes.
    Swerve back to the road to avoid the people, and oh shit, two of them dodged into the road in front of you.

    1. Jbw: I suspect they mostly look alike because they’re mostly CEO offspring or other disgruntled children of the Aristocracy. Born to rule, and the troglodytes refuse to recognize their divine right; hence, grand tantrums. Also, their parents had the money and connections to send them to the very best indoctrination centers.

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