Goya has been providing for the poor anytime something catastrophic happens and during the holidays. Post Hurricane woes? Goya has been there and people do not go hungry because of that.

On te other hand, the Left has a long track record of destroying the making of food by politicizing the production system.  From the millions who dies during  Holodomor in Ukraine to the ones starving to death in North Korea and Venezuela, nothing else says famine like a good Socialist doctrine and government. Which makes the negative comments against Goya sadly laughable.

I love the last one, only a moron incapable of using Google does not know that Goya is a Hispanic company. But maybe they are populated by those infamous White Hispanics we heard about years back during the beatification of Trayvon Martin.

“Let me save you from those racist beans! I don’t care if you are hungry, give up the can!”

PS: The Goya dry beans and grains are the best around. Dear old mom gave her seal of approval.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “The Hate flows stupid. Starve for the purity of the politics.”
    1. “And everyone who doesn’t agree with me is a Fascist! Especially those small-government individualist types who want to reduce the power of the State!”

  1. How much you want to bet that all of those twits are from rather pale people?

    Wokeness is the ultimate in n-word privileges.

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