In case you missed it:

The local DA has a history of political motivated decisions and even though every legal expert agrees that the McCloskeys were  legal, I was fearing racial politics would enter in the proceedings.

The couple has not been arrested. I guess even the St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner would have had a tough time explaining to a judge why was the couple  in jail for standing to a crowd illegally bursting into their private property. But taking away guns and leaving them unprotected? That is par for the course.

“I am alarmed at the events that occurred over the weekend, where peaceful protesters were met by guns and a violent assault,” Gardner said. “We must protect the right to peacefully protest, and any attempt to chill it through intimidation or threat of deadly force will not be tolerated.”

This was her statement the days after the incident happening. Notice that she had nothing to complain about the breaking and entering of the “peaceful protesters” into private property.  Her mind was probably set that they were in the right and the couple had to be punished. But she could not arrest them so the confiscation of the weapons should serve as enough punishment, specially if another group of “peaceful protesters” happen to break in once again and paid them a visit so they can share with the couple the goodness of “peaceful” arson and vandalism.

You have to give it to her and her application of Black History: The move to disarm a troublesome household goes straight back to the “golden” era of the Klan where local authorities would “seize” weapons from black homes so the Night Riders and other assholes could do their business unimpeded by the fear of getting a load of buckshot in the tummy.

We have spoken before of the Holy Defensive Trinity: Pistol, Shotgun and Rifle. I think it would be prudent of you to make sure you have one or more two Trinities available and out of the reach of politically-biased prosecutors. I particularly do not enjoy KKK tactics coming out from anybody of any color.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “The importance of Gun back ups”
  1. If they haven’t been charged with a crime … under what grounds was the rifle taken?

    Re backups , if you don’t already have one, well, as of last Friday the “local” Cabela’s shelves weren’t bare, exactly. But there were no MSRs to be seen.

  2. I’ve heard of firearms being confiscated as evidence in cases where the it was actually used in a defensive shooting. But not in a situation like this. And how much you wanna bet if this couple is harmed due to this political intimidation that this attorney won’t be held responsible even though she would be an accessory?

  3. I support the use of weapons to defend one’s home, but I find it hard to feel sorry for this couple. They are lifelong Democrats and are being thrown under the bus that is filled with the Democrat’s victims of the day for the purpose of political expediency. You get the government that you vote for. This couple was used as useful idiots.

    1. A little harsh, Dive. Some lessons have a stiff price tag; doesn’t mean I don’t feel sorry for the person having to pay the bill.

      That being said, I have this great image of the guy just walking into the nearest gun store and buying another AR-15. He looks like he could afford it.

      1. I stand corrected. He has donated about 100K to Republicans going back to 1992.

        However, I have this to say about Democrats:

        I don’t think that feeling schadenfreude when a Democrat has their guns taken is harsh. This is what they WANTED. This is what they VOTED for. Of course, they always assumed that when they voted for politicians to come and take people’s guns away that the people whose guns were being seized would not be them.

        They had no problem at all with YOUR guns being taken away.

  4. I saw this comment over on TTAG, on the same topic.

    From FormerDallasRenter (posted at 09:03 on 11 July):
    I once asked a truly scary buddy of mine, “what would you do if a team of men showed up to seize your guns?”

    I was expecting a highly-detailed technical answer, involving multiple guns, use of stairs and darkness, possibly a little RDX. Instead he replied, “I’d open up the door, smile, and give them half my guns… what the f*** are all your guns doing in one place?”

    Advice worth considering in times like these.

    Food for thought.

    Pity the B. household doesn’t have enough firearms to really do this, or good places to make a hidey-hole for them.

  5. I give it week before there house is burned down and they are brutally beaten and/of killed by a mob. But that’s ok. The mob can get away with anything at this point and if Biden wins they will get away with anything and everything.

    It’s hard to defend yourself from rioting Looting thuggish hordes if the government sides with that hoard. Just imagine the democrats banning defending yourself from these thugs. Not so much their opinion but actually passing legislation saying that in no uncertain terms they could come to your door smash out your windows, go into your home and take your shit and you not allowed to defend your property. If they are trying to kill you it is illegal for you to defend yourself. If they rape your wife and you shoot the rapist to protect your spouse that’s illegal and you’ll go to jail. It will be LEGAL for them to murder you and then go door to door with the intent of murdering every single person in the neighborhood and it will be illegal for you to defend yourself.

    And then when the average citizen starts just ignoring the “law“ and starts murdering these fuckers the state will use the full force of the law to punish citizens who defend themselves going so far as passing legislation stating “the act of defending yourself from peaceful protestors is now illegal.

    The whole time the Supreme Court saying it’s constitutional. 5 of those justice and soon to be 7 or 9 when the Democrats pack it will not only rule banning guns is Constitutional, they will rule confiscation of guns by force constitutional, the mandated execution of all gun owners who resist constitutional. They will go so far as to rule the mandated systematic extermination of every citizen that owns a fire constitutional but it is also constitutional for the government to systematically exterminate every single solitary United States citizen that opposes the government exterminating every single gun owner up to and including the complete and total extermination of literally every single United States citizen. Since that’s my opinion of what the Supreme Court is like right now.

    Did everything I say just now sound completely crazy?Yes. I don’t really believe it myself. However I’m not sure considering the current composition of the far left and the Democratic Party. I do not believe that the country will survive Biden winning. I’m fully expecting genocide. I’m actually also expecting nuclear bombs to be used on United States soil.

  6. In the event Shawn proves to be correct, Rawles has an interesting approach, for all of it’s limited applicability. (“Patriots”), with a similar answer in “Enemies, Foreign and Domestic”

    Of course, thereafter, one would of necessity be one with “the underground”.

    But, the herd would have been thinned.

    1. This is the far left. This is an ideology that believes everyone not like them is unworthy of life need to be killed. To them the literal deployment of the entire United States nuclear arsenal in the deliberate attempt to exterminate as much human life as possible in the country (except them and illegals) is a GOOD thing. They WANT it. As long as their side is the one doing it and survives. They view the mandated extermination of literally all gun owners, Trump supporters, republicans and all white males as morally justified. They rationalize that everyone not them is bad and irredeemable therefore literally killing everyone not them or even thinks like them is morally justified.

  7. I once posted about caching…
    Got all sorts of Macho Arm Chair comments..
    My cold dead hands
    Blah blah blah……

    Best wise up folks. Aint no room for stupidity and BS Bravdo.

    America is dead. Get it threw your heads.
    We are expendable to these commies and there adherents

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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