I am overwhelmed with information I can use  coming ot of Minneapolis, but the case of Cadillac Pawn is going to take priority.

Police got a call of a man shot while trying to loot Cadillac Pawn, nearby all the festivities were happening last night. They arrived, tried to revive the looter but he eventually died or was dead.

Even though the authorities are saying they are still investigating, the owner of Cadillac Pawn, John Rieple, was booked around 2 am charged with murder.   Police spokesman John Elder “said he believes Minnesota’s “duty to retreat” law means a business owner doesn’t have a right to defend their property with lethal force because it’s not their home. ”

Please digest this. Minnesota indeed has a Duty to Retreat law and even if later on, via lawyers and deals with the DA because the cops confused  Mr. Rieple gets out, his life, economically anyway, is finished. You see, while the local police was doing his utmost duty arresting him and taking him to jail. nobody was left behind and the store was looted. Picked clean.


And this is another reason why Stand Your Ground is important. It is your life at play.

PS: Minnesota does not have a strong Castle Doctrine either, don’t ask me who makes the determination either. And it is not a bug but a feature,

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “The Lessons of Minneapolis: The enormous importance of Stand Your Ground”
  1. Gee, a looted pawn shop. Do you think any guns were taken by the looters? But it was imperative that he be arrested immediately and the shop left unguarded. Not only was his business ruined, what little he has left will go to defending him and (hopefully) keeping him out of prison for the rest of his life.

  2. I’m praying for the chance to donate toward his legal fees. He deserves none of what he’s getting. I can’t imagine his mental and physical state right now.

    As for Stand Your Ground, anti-gunners still cling to the myth that’s it’s a permit to go guns blazing on any poor sucker then claim immunity. Total horse manure.

    I remember the Han Solo analogy used on this blog; Solo shot Greedo who threatened him first; Solo was justified in defending himself this way.

  3. I thought that the proper response to a criminal dieing was a thorough investigation taking weeks before we know what happened and can issue arrest warrants. That is what the police chief said just a few days ago when some dude choked out a guy and he died…

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