You may not heard of this case. Mark Walton, according to authorities,

“During the course of the argument, Walton pushed (the woman) against a wall and punched her several times in the face and head. I observed (the woman) to have swelling on her left eye,”

She was 5 weeks pregnant at the time of the incident and the grievous behavior that set Walton off was to tell him the child was his.

We are not talking here a grabbed arm or a shoulder pushed. This apparently were deliberate punches of a Football player upon the face and head of a woman. And the evidence appears to be so overwhelming that the Dolphins cut him off the team already.  Add to that he already had a 4 game suspension for an accumulation of other crimes such as drugs, reckless driving, illegally carrying oa concealed weapon and …get this… fighting with a woman who took a video of him on her cell phone.

But what does the Miami Herald Editorial Board says?

All of which means that, at 22, his talent as a running back means absolutely nothing if he is a failure as a human being. Let’s be clear. Walton is a professional athlete, an A-list name. These are the only reasons, sadly, that his bad behavior is in the spotlight. His case is click-bait, not an aberration. (bold is mine)

Let me see if I get this right: If an A-List NFL player takes a political position which may upset the fans and lower the team’s income, he is not only to be respected but lionized and splashed all over the front page. But by the same “A-lis” status, if he beats the crap out of a pregnant woman, he should be given a pass? As little coverage as possible?

Look, redemption is hard. It’s not easy to take responsibility. It’s not easy to say his life has “turned around now,” as he told Herald sports columnist Barry Jackson in October, and really mean it. Walton needs help — as does his girlfriend. Being cut loose should not mean being forever lost. (again bold is mine)

We have posted about the families of armed robbers who were shot and killed by armed citizens during the commission of a forcible felony only to have their families bitch about it  and claim that they indeed had troubles in the past but that they were “turning around.”  That is exactly what the Miami Herald Editorial Board is doing with Mark Walton. And acts like that perpetuate the idea among players that they can get away with some nasty shit because they cost money an they will have powerful defenders in the Mainstream Media Enablers.





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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “The Miami Herald defends NFL player who beat his pregnant girlfriend.”
  1. If I were NFL commissioner for a day, I’d make anybody who was a prohibited person non-employable by the NFL and forfeit their rights to any related sponsorship.

    If I were a Federal law maker, I’d push a bill that said NFL teams that don’t fire prohibited persons lose their status as a legal monopoly and all of their tax breaks.

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