Of course, as a full-fledged Old Fart ™, the original Death Wish with Charles Bronson will never lose a place in my heart, but I am willing to give this one chance since it is Bruce Willis.

However, the Left is already leaving track marks in their allergen-free undies about this movie.

And if anything, the timing and location of the new movie is spot on: Chicago today. Where the old Death Wish was in the 1970s New York when the Big Apple was at its worst, Chicago is the 21st century equivalence. Back then, same as now, Liberals threw a fit at the idea of a Vigilante weeding out the scum of NYC and we should expect more of the same for this new version.

In the book itself (which by the way, once again available after many years off the shelves, even used) there is a quote by the hero, Paul Benjamin (the name was changed to Paul Kersey for the movie) and it has a great definition of Liberal.

“It came to me a little while ago what we really are, we liberals. We demand reforms, we want to improve the situation of the underprivileged – why? To make them better off materially? Nuts. It’s only to make ourselves feel less guilty. We rend our garments, we’re eager to show how willing we are to accept any outrageous demand so long as it’s black, or youthful, or put up by someone who thinks he’s got a grievance. We want to appease everybody – you know what a liberal is? A liberal is a guy who walks out of the room when the fight starts.”
Death Wish – Brian Garfield. (1972)

Succinctly put, don’t you agree?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “The new Death Wish movie is already giving vapors to the Liberals”
  1. Wonder what the reactions would have been had it been Denzel Washington cast for the lead instead…

    1. Juddgement;
      All the proggies would be drinking mass quantities of Alka-Seltzer and Sominex would be sold out.

  2. “…the Left is already leaving track marks in their allergen-free undies about this movie.”

    Could not care less about libtard “feelzz” if you paid me. Besides, I love to see the libtards eat their own (Hollyweird). ;-D

  3. They made a semi-reboot back in 2007 with Kevin Bacon called Death Sentence. It was good but was more revenge against a specific gang than random criminals.

    Jodie Foster also did a vigilante revenge flick in 2007 called The Brave One, where she shoots the mugger that killed her fiance in Central Park.

    There wasn’t much pearl clutching about those movies, if I remember correctly.

    The thing of it is, the original Death Wish came out when “old bad Times Square” was still muggers, hookers, and pimps. That movie touches on a zeitgeist.

  4. Note to “Adam”- YOU are gonna sbe an “old white guy”someday,if you make it that far…whiner

  5. I think that a good number of Dems hate vigilantism so much because so many of them are criminals deserving of a bit of vigilante justice. They’ve certainly done enough in their respective seats of power to keep the little people from getting any kind of justice through normal means.

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