And in case of they decide to memory-hole their idiocy, I saved a screen capture.

I do need VPC to explain how can we be both racist and push for minorities to be armed in self-defense.  Better not, I simply do not have the patience to hear/read contorted philosophical verbiage trying to come up with what they think is reasonable.

They are idiots.

Hat Tip @GiantPrepper

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “The NRA is the worst racist ever!”
  1. This is easy to explain:

    VPC really, genuinely believes that gun ownership causes murder.

    They also genuinely believe that gun owners are 42 times more likely to kill family members than strangers.

    Ergo, if a black person buys a gun, he *will* kill another black person.

    Given those “facts,” the only reason the NRA would want minorities to own guns is because the NRA is hoping they’ll kill each other.

    See? Easy peasy.

  2. Totally ignoring the fact that the origin of gun control laws was to prevent blacks from defending themselves from the Klan.

  3. Don’t forget the new angle, ‘multiracial whiteness’.

    If you’re a black man who supports armed self defense, you’re not REALLY black, you’re ‘multiracially white’.

    And they call US the racists?

  4. Taking their cue from Saint Robinette of Delaware, “C’mon, man, if you don’t (do stupid, PC thing here), you ain’t black!”

  5. Diversity is only OK when the left does it.

    80% of TV ads show interracial couples? Yep, that’s perfectly OK, it encourages a more open attitude toward skin color.

    The NRA allows ads that show a realistic picture of the real diversity in the shooting sports, and that is racist.

    First axiom of politics is always in play.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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