The Trayvon Martin Case is rapidly developing into a crap clubhouse sandwich. White Neighborhood Watch member shoots unarmed Black teen and all hell breaks loose before final determination is over.

With all the hysteria going around, I don’t really know if George Zimmerman is guilty or not of illegally shooting and killing Trayvon Martin, that is for the Prosecution to charge and the court and a jury to decide. But pretty much the case has been tried and Zimmerman is toast according to the Media and the interest groups. There is even a Black Militant Group that wants to “arrest” Zimmerman and deliver him to the Feds. But if their website is any indication, they will probably get lost somewhere in I-4 and end up in Yeehaw Junction.

The antis are having a field day with the case. From promoting the old Wil Wild West BS to call for the repeal of the Expansion of the Castle Doctrine laws, they are attacking like piranhas.

So, would you like to be in George Zimmerman’s shoes right about now? I bet you don’t. Imagine yourself facing a trial not because for what you might have done did but for purely political reasons, your name vilified by every media outlet out there plus becoming the target of a bunch of loonies. Not a happy way to live your life, is it?

And before you say “Well, he screwed up because (fill the blank) so he has it coming.” let me remind you that you do not control the narrative, the Media does so even if you happen to be involved in a “Good Shooting” you may be treated the same as Zimmerman. Let’s face it, the Media is interested in selling news, not finding the truth. And if it is an organization like the Miami Herald that is trying to find out where to get money for the next payroll, they will do whatever is necessary to sell even if it means going Jerry Springer on your ass and play the Race Card.

So, you really wanna have a Clint Eastwood moment?


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

35 thoughts on “The Trayvon Martin Case: Hell sounds confy just about now.”
  1. I feel the same way, not sure one way or the other, I do think he could have handled it better, like listening to the police dispatch, but at the same time, If Mr. Martin at somep point to decide to start swinging that can of tea… well I’ve been hit with a 24 oz can, that wasn’t open, and i think if someone was serious it could do some serious damage. Either way, I wish they’d get the job done, collect the Evidence, and if Zimmerman was un-provoked, then they should throw the book at him. We CCWers need to have that attitude. We should have a severe pride in ourselves and each other, and hold each and everyone of us to a higher standard.

    1. I agree, but right now I have no idea what is the truth and what isn’t. All we have is the accounts from the Media and they have a vested interest on this case.

      Get this book: “BLACK’S LAW: A Criminal Lawyer Reveals His Defense Strategies in Four Cliffhanger Cases

      The first case is Alvarez. It does not get any worse than that.

    2. It seems zimmerman was not a registered member of any crime watch organization. It gets better & better.

  2. I just have some questions. If you were a child (17 is legally not an adult) and you were walking down a street at night coming from the store and being trailed by a car with a grown man in it, would you be nervous or scared?

    If that grown man got out of his (this is a fact per police, Zimmerman called the cops from his SUV to report a “suspicious” man) and followed you as to attempted to go to your dad’s home, as a kid would you be scared or concerned?

    We don’t know what transpired once Zimmerman got out of his car, avaunt request of dispatch, and approached Trayvon. Tray on is dead and can’t present his version of the events. But it’s a fact that no confrontation could have occurred if the armed grown man had stayed in the protection of his car and not “confronted” a child walking home with tea and skittles.

    Now some may say that Zimmerman had the right to “confront” Trayvon and maybe that confrontation was perceived as threatening – maybe it was threatening. We don’t know because Trayvon is dead. Im not inclined to believe Zimmerman approached this child sweetly. I don’t believe that Trayvon or any American citzen is required to stop for or answer the questions of random men who get out of their cars and follow me at night.

    I’m inclined to believe Zimmerman initiated the physical confrontation because he initiated everything else that happened that night. If Trayvon felt threatened, he stood HIS ground. So Im asking readers here, if your were Trayvon or he was your child, would you feel or understand your child feeling threatened by a grown man under the known circumstances? And what would you have done. Clearly a fight happened, why do any of you believe that Trayvon was the more likely to have initiated that fight than Zimmerman?

    It may not be enough to convict but the circumstantial evidence o

    1. “Child” and “Minor” are not synonyms, but my own misgivings about the case are the same as yours.

      1. Really? Please tell me which law in Florida distinguishes between the terms minor and children. It’s my understand that any person under 18 is a minor from an infant to 17+ 11 months. All minors are children from my understanding. If not somebody needs to quote me the FL statute that specifically designates an age and above as a “minor” and an age or below as a “child”. From my understanding of the law 17 year old Trayvon Martin is legally considered a child unless he has been legally declared an adult by some court of law.

          1. No problemo, I often come across that way myself. For all I know I am about to.

            A minor is one below the age of being bound to contract (voting is a form of contract). The specific age is determined politically and is thus essentially arbitrary. Indeed the age of majority for certain contracts are set higher than the simple contractual definition. There can be more than one.

            A child is one below a certain level of physical development. It is not arbitrary, but it is an analog function; thus it needs to be digitally defined for the purposes of law.

            In the legalistic sense a child is one without rights held personally. One entirely dependent upon a guardian to grant it privilege or defend its rights. As the function is analog the transition from child to adult is not an on/off switch and various rights come into play at various ages before that of majority. For instance, the right to hold property and prosecute that right, even against its parents. Or the right to freedom of movement (if you cannot invoke the police to force your child to return home against its will, it is no longer a child).

            Perhaps the best legalistic definition of child these days is the age below which no judge can order that it be tried as an adult. The legal system opened a can of worms with that fad. If they ever start to crawl out things will get “interesting.”

  3. So the 911 tapes are released. Zimmerman is tracking Trayvon, claims he looks suspicious, seems on drugs, is looking at houses. Hmm perhaps the boy who is visiting his father is simply confused at precisely where he’s at since it’s at night but we won’t know because Trayvon is dead and can’t tell his side. Zimmerman claims the boy approaches the car, has something in his hands and his hand at his waistband. Again this can’t be verified because Trayvon is dead but even accepting the statement as true, perhaps Trayvon was simply trying to see who was following him or even considering asking for direction. Who knows Trayvon is dead and can’t contradict these statements. It’s a fact though that he died with skittles and ice tea in his possession. Listening to the 911 tapes, for whatever reason Trayvon runs, maybe because a weird grown up is following him in a car and staring. Zimmerman says shit he’s running and then you hear the beep that accompanies a car door opening and Zimmerman huffing & puffing. This prompts the dispatcher to ask “are you following him” to which Zimmerman replies yes.

    So here’s my question, what do you tell your teenager to do when he or she is walking home at night and notices a car following them. Let’s say thy step towards the car to acertain who his person is and realizes “I don’t know them”. Your kid decides to run away. Do you consider that initiating confrontation? Now this stranger chases your kid who had simply gone to he store for snacks and catches up, this stranger is not in a police uniform and couldn’t not have claimed to be police because he’s not. This person has no authority to stop, question, or touch your kid. We don’t know what happened when Zimmerman caught up with Trayvon but I personally suspect that Zimmerman acting like an overzealous rent a cop who clearly chased down a teenager, who he had not witnessed any crime, did not approach Trayvon in a non threatening manner. IMO, the chase itself was threatening to Trayvon. We won’t know what Trayvon was feeling because he’s dead because a neighborhood watch person decided not only to watch but to stalk & Perdue a teen walking back home from the store where he had purchased candy for his little brother. Self defense my ass.

    1. “So here’s my question, what do you tell your teenager to do when he or she is walking home at night and notices a car following them”

      Go to the first house he can get to, bang on the door and yell “FIRE! call 911!!!” a top of his lungs.

      Which brings now the question, Teenage kid without a cell phone? I know, I am also speculating but so many people appear to pass judgement on that alone, might as well play Devil’s Advocate.

      1. NO, do not yell “FIRE!” Because if there is a real confrontation, and the fire department comes, they will be unarmed and totally unprepared to deal with that circumstance. Now you’ve just called in a bunch of unarmed civil servants into a situation they thought was entirely different. Don’t use firemen as a shield.

          1. I certainly understand where you’re coming from, but with all due respect that isn’t the firemen’s problem. I know I don’t want to get paged out to a fire call and then blown away because I land in the middle of some violent confrontation.

      2. People heard someone yelling help right outside their door and wouldn’t even look out the window let alone open their door.

        Trayvon probably should’ve doubled back to the store, gotten off the phone with his girl and called his dad. But, and this is a big but, many people -especially self assured teenage boys chatting up a girl – tend to underestimate the danger of their circumstances. He assumed he could run away & make it home in piece. Sadly he assumed wrong.

    2. “what do you tell your teenager to do when he or she is walking home at night and notices a car following them.”

      Proceed as quickly as is reasonable to the nearest well lit place full of people and security cameras.

      ” . . . did not approach Trayvon in a non threatening manner.”

      I suspect that Zimmerman grabbed him to prevent him from departing and that Trayvon stood his ground. Something an adult has a right to do, but something someone who considered him a child might not understand he had a right to do.

      Of course I can only suspect and suspicion does not make it so.


  4. Zimmerman is a civilian and had witnessed no crime, he had NO right to confront or even follow Trayvon or anyone for that matter…

    And the whole self defense claim is garbage. Once he got out his car, he became the aggressor. Had Zimmerman just stayed where he was at and waited for the police, a mother would have never lost her child…..

    Its a travesty that this man who is an avid 911 caller and had been the subject of complaints by neighbors for his aggressive tactics, has not yet been charged with anything. He should at least have to face manslaughter charges….

  5. To the writer of this web…all anyone is looking for is for this man to be put on trial. The police department literally cleared the creep of any wrong doing. How can anyone get to the bottom of the truth if the police department is acting as the judge and jury (Pinelis county jury at that)

    Whether the child was black white or green, HE WAS a CHILD doing nothing but walking down the street with a bag of skittles.

    Had Zimmerman been a REAL cop and this happened, he would have been put on desk duty and had his weapon taken from him until the investigation was over. Zimmerman was set free with his weapon.

    Anyone at all who thinks this was OK obviously don’t have any children, because you wouldn’t think that way if you had a seventeen year old who couldn’t even walk to the store to get candy and arrive home safely.

    This is a disgrace to ALL the human race….

  6. Then the government should step in. Zimmerman, ZIMMERMAN, who suddenly wants to ride on his hispanic part of his herritage and not the jewish part, in trying to insinuate that he too is a minority, should be in jail. The FBI needs to make sure that he gets there and in a hurry. This wannabe toy soldier is trigger happy and felt the need to kill a minority and now wants to own up to his own minority background ONLY because he is caught out there.

    The man needs to go on trial for murder. MURDER..

    1. The most he can go under Federal law would be violation of his civil rights and if you can prove that it was a hate crime. Max penalty: 10 years.

      Now a question: Are you 100% sure that Zimmerman is guilty of first degree murder?

  7. listen to the most recent tapes and any logical person can figure out that this man screened his suspects by color. They were all guilty of being black, that was it…..

    Zimmerman has his own identity problem, I do believe he rode on his name and not his actual heritage. Jewish people believe that you are what your mother is, which is what his father Mr. ZIMMERMAN is trying to push right now..

    BUT IT’S NOT GOING TO WORK.. Zimmerman is going to be tried for this case, whether he gets 10 years or 50 years, he will be tried and convicted. He will NO LONGER be able to “play” policeman anymore, he will now have to face the reality that he is NOT a COP but just another low life criminal…..a REAL criminal, not just a teenager going to the store to buy skittles….

      1. No he didnt use racist language. It’s supposition that he targeted Trayvon because of his race. Many people can find no other explanation because it’s a fact the boy was walking home in the rain chatting up his girl – seriously the boy ran up 400 mins in calls that day. It’s a fact he left his home halfway thru watching a bball game to buy candy & iced tea and was walking back to the house. I would love to hear from Zimmerman what caused him to imagine a criminal in Trayvon where none existed. If not his race, what exactly about walking in the rain, with candy & ice tea, chatting on the phone perhaps a little lost or turned about – made this child look like a high criminal.

        1. It’s supposition that he targeted Trayvon because of his race.

          Would you think it would be fair that anybody should be sent to prison on a supposition and not the facts?

          1. It happens all the time, it’s not supposition that Zimmerman killed an unarmed boy after getting out of his car and literally chasinghim down. Zimmerman lied, he claimedTrayvon came after him, he said he got out of the car to confirmthe street sign. These lies can lead many to conclude that anything else he said was a lie as well.

            1. Zimmerman lied, he claimedTrayvon came after him

              Do you have evidence to back that assertion? I mean evidence and not what some journalist printed in a website.

  8. Well it now seems Trayvon did have a cell phone as backed up by phone records. He was on that phone with his girlfriend as walked to the store and back. She has told his attorney that Trayvon told her that a man was following him. She said he told her he was a bit turned around. She told him to run from Zimmerman and at first he refused. Then he thought he’d list his trailer on to tell her the stranger turned up again. She claims Trayvon asked why the man was following him, that the man questioned what are you doing here. Then she believes Trayvon was pushed because she heard his earpiece fall and some sort of yelp or voice change. Then the line went dead.

    This directly contradicts Zimmerman’s claim per the police report (as does the 911 call demonstrating that he got out of his car to follow a child) that he got out of his car to check the street sign and was “attacked” by Trayvon Martin from behind.

    1. (as does the 911 call demonstrating that he got out of his car to follow a child)

      Do you happen to know the height of Trayvon? 6’3″
      The girlfriend herself stated that he put on his hoodie. So what you have is a 6’3″ hooded individual at night.
      Again, not defending what Zimmerman did, but I am getting a bit tired of the manipulation of not mentioning vital statistics and looks like they are only showing pictures of the victim when he was in elementary school.
      If the truth is on your side, you do not need to manipulate & lie.

      1. Is wearing a hoodie an indication of being a criminal. Is being tall? It was raining, don’t most people without an umbrella put up their hood to block some of the rain. You can’t possibly be saying that the propensity for criminal behavior can by the very common attire of a hooded sweatshirt, jeans and sneakers which is essentially the uniform of most males under the age of 30. I’ve seen numerous pics of what looks like an 16 or 17 year old teenage boy in a hooded sweatshirt as well as images of Trayvon at what looks to be 13 or 14. Whatever Zimmerman saw in terms of Trayvon’s clothing, his clothing could not possibly be a measurement of anything since the boy was not doing anything. You can’t possibly bs suggesting that typical clothing & height alone are enough to warrant concluding that a person is a criminal.

        1. There is no manipulation of anything, a teen in standard typical clothing with a raised hood in the rain was walking in a divers neighborhood where he was staying with his father. Normal people, IMO, don’t see a person simply walking in the rain with a hoodie and presume because “he’s tall” and very skinny at 140lbs and 6th 3, he “must be up to something”. We all know Trayvon was up to nothing so cleat Zimmerman was wrong and it’s absurd to suggest that what he did see was enough for him to jump to the conclusions he did. Tall, in a hoodie, walking describes almost every teen boy in my gated subdivision – white, black, or otherwise from fall till spring.

            1. SaytheprayerforTrayvonbecausehe’sthepersonthatdiedbecausehe’stheonethatwasmurderedbecausesomefoolsupposedthathisheight&hoodiemadehimsuspicious.IgiveZimmermanasmuchconsiderationasheapparentlygavethatchild.

        2. Please, do not put words on my cyber mouth. I did not say that it is a crime. Allow me to quote myself:

          “So what you have is a 6’3″ hooded individual at night.”

          And it was referring to the constant use of “child” and the connotation that he was small framed individual making it sound like Zimmerman shot a toddler. Again, if you cause is righteous, you don’t need to play games because it will always backfire in the end.

          1. Childhood is not determined by size. It is a legal fact that he was a child. He was under 18, not an adult -a minor. If you assumea child must be small that’s your foolishness. I was 5 ft 8 at 14. My brotherwas 6ft 2 and wearinga size14 shoe at that age. It’s foolish & ignorant to assumeage based on height. I never said toddler,you did. It’s not my fault you hear child and ignorantly presume a my community activities as relates to family court &juvenile court, guess what the judges and parole officersalso use the term child when speaking of children who are 17, 16, 15, whatever. Why? Because they are children.

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