If the Left wants to know why so many of us want a Boogaloo, the case of Andrew Cuomo is a prime example.

New York had by far the most COVID deaths in the country, at nearly 33,000.  It had the second highest rate of mortality.  Only New Jersey was higher.  New York City was higher still, and that helped drive the death rate in New Jersey in the commuter population.  The only reason New York State as a whole had a lower death rate was the rural upstate counties diluted the New York City mortality rate.

But Cuomo is a Democrat, and the fawning media deepthroated him while portraying him as the antithesis of Trump.

So Cuomo was given the chance to speak at the DNC convention and gave this abomination.

He murdered thousands of his citizens with COVID and says their recovery was “beautiful.”

We may not know how many died in nursing homes since New York is still covering that information up.

Beyond that speech, Cuomo is writing a book about how he lead New York through this crisis.

It will be a New York Times best seller and he will make a lot of money from this.

Cuomo killed more New Yorkers than Osama Bin Laden and will retire on a fat stack of cash because of it.

He will forever be protected for his crimes against humanity.

The Democrat machine and corrupt media protecting Cuomo is as close to “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government” as I can think of in my lifetime.

This is why there are so many fans of the boog.  We know that those who died because of Cuomo – and the countless children raped by politicians on Epstein’s Island- will never get justice in our broken system.

This is a truly Soviet Union under Stalin type of injustice, where tens of thousands die and man responsible lives out his days peacefully in opulence, protected by his one party monopoly.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “There is no justice in this world”
    1. If Joe strokes out or collapses during the debate, he will.

      That’s my fear. I had a grandfather with dementia and when he got stressed he’d lose his mind and then collapse from exhaustion.

      I’m wondering if Trump treats Biden like Hillary at a debate if Biden would flip out and possibly collapse on stage, at which point they will have no choice but to retire him.

  1. I’ve been thinking about a book that could be set up in Las Vegas. Start with the frightening assumption of a Biden win, the questions then become:
    1. How long until the 25th Amendment is invoked?
    2. When that happens, will Biden just walk away or will be object (throwing the decision to Congress)?
    3. If the latter, will Congress (meaning the Republicans who will almost certainly hold the deciding votes since it takes 2/3rds) keep Biden, or help push him out?
    My bets would be 6 months, he’d object, and the Rs would help keep him.

  2. I am thinking that the events depicted in Matt Bracken’s short fiction piece “What I Saw at the Coup.” may very well become reality. (Unfortunately, I cannot find a link to it anymore.)

    There is no difference between the criminal politicians, and the fawning news media that supports them. The time has come to expose them as the frauds they are all, and failing that, more drastic action.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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