

Remember when media and social media said that they didn’t monkey-fuck with the election, then after Biden won admitted, bragged, that they “fortified” the election?

Remember how the media said everything Trump said was wrong, like hydroxychloroquine was useless against COVID, but it turns out Trump was right and they are admitting to it now?

I give it two years and they will admit: “We cheated, Trump won but we fudged it for Biden.  But what are you going to do?  We control the DOJ, we’re not going to prosecute ourselves.  You think you are going to vote us out next time?  We won the last one by cheating, we’ll just do it again.  You gonna engage in insurrection against us?  We have nukes and tanks and drones and F-15’s and General Miley is just itching to fuck you MAGA hat-wearing hayseeds up.  We’re in control now and you can go fuck yourselves peasants.”

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “They will admit to the f**kery by 2022”
  1. Yah, that is the same monkey suited bastard that couldn’t defeat a few goatherds with AK’s even with all their guns, bombs, artillery, helicopters, tanks, APC’s and all the other kit the “best army in the world” has IN TWENTY YEARS. The brass had to bugger out of Bagram air base in the dead of night without telling the Afgan “government” because there are so many spies and taliban in the “government”, the brass was afraid of an ambush. So tell us, brass monkey, what is your “plan”? You gonna nuke the areas you don’t hold? Which will be about 99% of the US. Oh, you’re the “guys with the guns”? More lilkely, you are the guys “trained in critical race theory” and “diversity”. 100 MILLION American gun owners would kick your ass.

  2. Thank God! the White House is going to work with Facebook to stop the spread of disinformation, like there may have been election fraud. You know, stuff like that.

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