Thank you reader MiniMe.

Holy shit. You cannot fix stupid, specially when she believes she is righteous.

The tool she is displaying is a combination seat belt cutter and car window breaker.

I have one in my truck keychain and it is something anybody who drives by big bodies of water must have.  And yes, it is faster than your $500 tactical knife.

Little dumbass has not realized that anybody caught following her instructions, will probably get his ass shot once they break the glass and make an attempt or cuts the seatbelt INSIDE the car.  (IANAL warning)The expectation the driver will have is that the attacker means to cause death or grave bodily harm and that the use of deadly force may be a legal option, specially in states like Florida where Castle Doctrine extends to the vehicle.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

25 thoughts on “This girl just managed to put a big ass bullseye on fellow Antifas.”
  1. Oh this will end well. They’re just going to teach drivers to speed up and not even give ‘protestors’ a chance to get out of the way first.

    1. The events in Provo and Atlanta already taught that lesson. In Provo there were, what, three gunmen? I don’t think they’ve figured out a count in Atlanta.

  2. IANAL either but I would argue that shattering a car window with the driver inside is tantamount to kicking in a person’s door. You have effectively breached their perimeter.

    At that point, the person busting the window has earned themselves a 230 grain door prize.

  3. Also the cutting the seatbelt…

    Yeah, break the window then start swiping at the general neck area trying to cut something, if the driver doesn’t know it’s a safety cutter and they’re going for the seatbelt, that’s not going to end well.

    1. Even if they’re “only after the seatbelt”, the only reasonable reason is to place the occupant(s) of the vehicle in physical danger, either by removing critical (and legally-required) safety equipment, or by facilitating the forceful removal of said occupant from said vehicle.

      For the former, imagine the outrage if you walked up to one of them in McDonald’s and ripped off their Covid-19 N95 facemask. (But it’s OK, it’s not assault because you were “only after the mask”, not them, right? Right!?)

      For the latter, it’s an extension of what J.Kb said: if breaking the window is tantamount to kicking in a person’s front door, then breaking the window and cutting the seatbelt is like kicking in the front door and the bedroom door to get to you. If they violate two obstacles to reach you, bypassing your stuff in the process, it’s safe to assume you’re the target, not your stuff.

      Once you’re the target and not your stuff, there’s no reason to pull punches.

      1. If your stuff is the target, a reasonable conclusion is that you’re at risk of becoming the target as well. A lot of robberies end in murder, perhaps because the robber doesn’t want witnesses, or “just because”. After all, by definition you’re dealing with an evil person.
        If you assume that a person who seems to be after your property is only after your property, you’re betting your life on the good will of a criminal. Which is a person who by definition doesn’t have a good will, or a moral sense, or a sense of decency. Plan accordingly.

        1. I agree 100%. Unfortunately, the law in many places hasn’t caught up with reality yet. In Oregon, for example, self-defense in an occupied vehicle is not addressed in state law, and deadly force is only allowed against burglary if the burglary is happening “in a dwelling”. Your car, whether you’re in it or not, is “property”, which you may only defend with non-deadly force.

          Otherwise, it’s an undefined, gray area, which means after defending your life from criminals, you’re betting your freedom and family fortune on the good will of the prosecutor — often (especially in a blue state) a person with a self-serving moral compass not much different from a criminal’s.

  4. Florida law:
    A person who is occupying a vehicle that is forcibly and unlawfully being entered is presumed to be in reasonable fear for his life under 776.013. A person who is attacked in his or her dwelling, residence, or vehicle has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and use or threaten to use force, including deadly force.

    1. TN has that, too. We also have a law that says you’re not liable for injuries to someone who jumps in front of your car during a protest.

      Remarkably, we haven’t had any issues since that passed.

    2. Missouri law is basically the same, as an occupied vehicle is considered the same as an occupied dwelling.

      Plus, if self defense is claimed and if a prosecutor wants to make something of it, they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a use of force was not justified.
      And those who are justified in their use of force are immune from civil process.

      That twit’s shit gets tried around these parts and the perpetrator is very likely to wind up with a free ride straight to the morgue.

  5. I’m still shaking my head after reading this 2 hrs ago. Might explain why my neck hurts. -)

    But yeah… for Pantyfa thinks is all fun and games until one or more of their comrades get their heads turned into a canoes for trying to pull people out of their cars.
    If the reaction I saw in CHAZ is any indication, they better bring several changes of underwear if they want to continue to play Frogger on the streets.

  6. BTW Miguel, can you purty please re-enable the 2-min. edit function? My sausage fingers don’t play well with cel “keyboards” and it irks me I can’t edit my mistakes on the posts.

    Mucho thankies! 😀

    1. Last plugin for editing comments was never updated to stay with WordPress/Jetpack and ended up causing issues.
      As soon as I find something reliable, I’ll install it.

  7. My initial thought was to wonder if this idjit is related to the idjit ‘professor’ who gave ‘advice’ on the ‘proper’ safe way to pull down statues.
    But that is typical of virtually all those on the left – de-legitimize a perfectly good tool that is a potential life saving device and turn it into a weapon…………..same way they redefine terminology to misuse it.

  8. So if her advice is used to further criminal acts, as she is intending, is she aiding and abetting those criminal acts?

    If Antifa is an anti-American domestic terrorist group, is she “adhering to [America’s] Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort”?

    Inquiring minds want to know!

  9. After seeing so many mob vs car videos, and reading about legalities for defense (will be very hard to win in court), I made myself 2 rules:

    1) Do everything possible to avoid getting caught in a car vs mob situation.
    2) If caught in car vs mob standoff, I will ignore the outside damage, BUT defense of self and family kicks in when:
    a) A window is broken open (not just cracked), and the mob has access.
    b) Car is rocked back and forth so hard it’s close to tip-over (disabled and unable to escape area).
    c) Car lit on fire, or threat of being lit on fire.

    In my personal opinion, that’s when I am justified to shoot the threat (person that broke the window) and/or drive through the crowd to escape and get away from the area.

    It’s just too difficult in this situation (especially in blue Oregon) in court to prove / show “fear for our lives” and “they were the aggressors” at a deadly level for a deadly gun / car deadly response. The mob will twist and flip it…you are the aggressor vs innocent protestors and that it was not a “deadly threat” level.

    I am not a lawyer or self-defense expert, make your own decisions, this is just my personal line in the sand for this particular situation.

    1. Sega, I understand your reluctance. But I think your thresholds are too lenient. On the window: given that side and back windows are tempered glass, any damage will shatter them. Yes, the windshield (being laminated) can crack without breaking. On rocking, if the mob is rocking your car significantly, chances are a larger mob is converging on your car to escalate. You may already be at the point where you can’t get out of there because there are too many bodies in the way.
      The way I look at it: if there is a threat to you or your family, you have to take evasive action before you are surrounded by more people than your car can overcome. For me (low ground clearance) that’s a fairly small number. If you drive an HMMWV you can wait quite a lot longer.
      And if your state forbids effective action to protect the lives that matter, “evasive action” may include leaving that jurisdiction.

  10. I doubt they care, but by making all this public they’re aiding the defense of whoever runs over and/or shoots an asshole/s trying to force them to stop, let alone breaking the windows, I would think.

  11. Speaking for myself, I would certainly view such an action as posing a clear and imminent threat of death or great bodily harm, and I would take action to stop the threat…

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