A buddy of mine sent me this:


I’m calling bullshit.  There is no way that this is real.

A double shift is 16 hours.  This person seriously wants me to believe that nurses are working 16 hours without food or drink and using a diaper?

If I left my kid in a diaper for 16 hours, they would take him away from me.  So either this person is insane, or they change their adult diaper during their shift, which would take longer than just going to pee like a fully functioning adult human.

I’m going to assume that when she says, IVF that was a typo and she means IV.  Otherwise, this crazy train went off the tracks on a bridge and plunged 1,000 feet into the valley below.  That said, I very much doubt a hospital would just allow a nurse to top herself off with an IV on shift.  Those things are expensive and inventoried.  Not to mention how bad it would look for the hospital to have a nurse working while hooked up to an IV.

There is no way this is real.

I double-checked and this tweet is now gone.  It was replaced by this:


She refined her bullshit.

Imposing such working conditions on people is illegal.  If these nurses are doing this to themselves, then they are bat-shit crazy.  Not eating or drinking or using the bathroom for 10+ hours straight doesn’t benefit the patients.  All it would do is risk the nurses’ cognitive function, which is more dangerous for the patient.

Remember, when you go to the hospital, don’t ask your doctor where he went to medical school or what rank he had in his class, ask him how long he’s been on shift.  The greatest predictor of mistake is how long the doctor has been awake on shift.  There is a reason the FAA has maximum working hours and minimum rest times for pilots and air traffic controllers.  People die when one of them gets drowsy on the job.  The same thing should apply to doctors and nurses.  After 16 hours, are they absolutely sure they titrated a patient’s insulin to the correct dose or did they put the decimal point in the wrong place (I’m not making this scenario up, I read the malpractice deposition).

Noting about this tweet thread is believable.  It has to be some made-up bullshit to heap more glory onto the medical profession during these times.  Glory which has been severely eroded by the prevalence of these same people doing choreographed routines on TikTok while complaining that they are being worked to death.


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By J. Kb

19 thoughts on “This is such lying bullsh*t”
  1. If the WuFlu is so rampant at that nursing home that using the bathroom is a major health risk, that nursing home should be closed, flooded with Clorox™️, and the maintenance staff fired. Her implication that wearing a mask as a magic talisman, is actually effective protecting you from the ‘rona in the real world would be laughable if not so pathetic.

  2. Every single horror story that I have come across has turned out to be bullshit.

    I’ll say the same thing I say about gun control advocates when they make up shit: If the cause is righteous, why would you need to lie?

  3. 60 hour plus weeks? In my construction career, I seldom worked less than a 60 hour week. Won’t go to the toilet because scared of Covid? sanitizer. I have to call bullshit as well.

    1. I call BS. Do a 10 or12 hr shift crawling through a HRSG. Even with protective gear you still come out to hydrate and use the facilities at least once a shift, usually twice.

      This year with the wuflu insanity I did a 5 week shift. Thats 35 straight days of 12hr shifts with several days hitting 15hr shifts.

      Evidently some people don’t know what work is.

  4. Devil’s advocate mode:

    Considering the litigious nature of people these days, and the ham-handed ‘safety’ guidelines that got passed around, I suppose it’s not impossible this occurred.

    However, I would add this codicil: how many nurses would put up with that shit? Seriously?

  5. It seems like so much of what the medical “professionals” are putting out is nothing but half truths, emotional pleas, or flat out damn lies.

    One hand wringing, pearl clutching article I read months ago lamented a study that showed that this pandemic would create a distrust in government and that would last the rest of people’s lifetimes. I would add the distrust will extend to the media and medical “experts”/“professionals” as well. And if that is the case, good. I hope that leads to people questioning everything that these fucks do for eternity.

  6. 60 hour weeks? I haven’t worked that little in months. I just finished off an 83 hour week, and that was with taking half a day off

  7. This is a symptom of the diseased minds that occupy our country these days. They make stuff up, then start believing their own bullshit.

    For every one that reads this and calls BS, there are five that’ll say, Well she’s right about this and means well

  8. In my world, 60 hours means 5 x 12 hour shifts.

    A bear, but not undoable, even for my full-retirement-aged self.

    I suspect these weasels have never worked OT in their lives.

    And, I apologize to weasels, everywhere.

  9. I think the person spreading this story is just an attention whore. Nothing more.

    Look at me! Look at me! LOOK at ME!!!

    No different than that military guy talking about “shoot them between the eyes” level of training from a few days ago. It is BS. Anyone with any real world experience knows that.

    Claim that they use a diaper because they either do not have time to hit the head, or they are afraid to? Not likely. Besides, the diapers that you would wear while working do not handle that kind of load. Yeah, I know more than one person that was convinced they could get through the entire Super Bowl without getting up and missing anything. Does not work.

    Using an IV because they are afraid to take off a mask? Ever get an IV because of dehydration? Takes ages. I would take 1/100th tat amount of time, step outside and chug a liter of water. Anyone who wouldn’t deserves to be fired immediately.

    There is nothing except attention whoring in that tweet. Even the revised stories are cries for attention.

    1. CBMTTek: your comment triggered a thought. Being as I am, an ex paramedic and ex ICU and ED nurse, perhaps Captain Pilecki will concur: which is more of an exposure to a pathogen? Stepping outside, washing up, chugging some water, and re-garbing and re-entering the fray, OR starting/changing/maintaining an IV?

      One goes in your pie hole, one goes directly into your vein. .

  10. I do a lot of ambulance transports to at least 8 different hospitals and work four 12 hour shifts every week. There have been very few times that the ER was crowded (Hartford Hospital is always busy anyway) and it wasn’t because of the Dem-Panic of Chink Bug. It was just run of the mill sick and injured.

    Watch the news videos carefully of these “overwhelmed” hospitals because they are recycled footage shown over and over, and one I keep seeing is so fake it disgusts me. It shows a person supposedly ventilating someone that is “coding” and has been intubated, using a BVM at a rate of as fast as they could go and emptying the whole bag with each squeeze. That would KILL a real patient in very short order. When we bag an intubated patient, it is one squeeze every 5-6 seconds, and only hard enough to observe the chest rise. If the patient requires supplemental oxygen it is connected to the BVM with tubing, but the ventilation rate and volume stays the same.

  11. My son reports a similar story. The problem is that the workers are wearing isolation suits, and going to the bathroom or eating requires a 20 minute cycle of decon and then redressing. He said they tried adult diapers, and they tried catheters, but nothing worked. So in his case, he would take one or two breaks per 12 hour shift to use the bathroom and chug a bottle of water before redressing and returning to work.

    The IV part is probably BS. Sounds like there is some embellishing going on.

  12. Hey lady, tell that to the politicians. WE’RE not the ones having cocktail parties. WE’RE the ones who are so broke because nobody’s been allowed to work for the last 9 months that we have to start getting creative about what does and doesn’t constitute a “party.” It’s your lockdown pushing masters who are throwing the massive parties where nobody wears a mask and it all ends in a massive literal orgy.

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