So I downloaded it because my doctor asked me to do our next visit virtual (not virtuous) and i got to think, Should I do a Virtual Blog Meet? I figure it would be fun to trade words and insults with other bloggers and specially the readers of this thing here.

Let me know what do you think. And yes, you can disguise your ugly face for all I care. You can even use the Wuhan as excuse. 🙂

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “This Zoom thing.”
  1. Sounds like it could be fun.

    Depending on the particulars re timing etc., I’m in.

    I probably won’t broadcast video, though. (You’re welcome.)

  2. Technogizmos hate me. I would try it if I can get it to work. As long as its not like that STUPID progressive insurance add…..

  3. First off there’s no such thing as 100% secure. That said, I personally run Linux (less popular than Windows, so probably less of a priority for attackers) and, where acceptable to the rest of the group, Cisco Webex (as far as I can tell a more reputable provider) for meetings. Webex are currently doing a 50 minutes free, max 100 participants offer although they mainly provide a service to business whereby you get “”.

    It’s still all on Chinese made hardware though.

    (Disclosure: I personally have no relationship with Webex beyond using that free service, although my employers use their paid service)

  4. I’d be interested to know more. Makes it a little more personal for those of us that have been hanging around for a while.

    I would consider not publicly posting the link or meeting infor though and maybe one distribute it to the usual suspects.

    Google has some option now and I think you can do rooms with Skype now.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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