Lots of quotes I can give you, but it is all summarized below:

We have to pay out of our own pockets now? NOT FAIR!


If I had the patience, I’d look for the complains of the WHO’s falling response to he Ebola outbreak in Africa. From failure to provide basic personal protection equipment to people dealing with a disease that is killing half of those  who are infected to buying expired disinfectants to clean equipment linens and hospitals.

Anyway, the UN is an organization long past its expiration date. Full defunding by the USA should be the only way.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Trump cuts funding of WHO, whelps ensue.”
  1. The USA is evil and Orange Man Bad and all that, but you MUST spend your money to fund our Chi-com agenda, or (more) PEOPLE WILL DIE!

  2. Careful about defunding the UN in its entirety.

    If I remember my history correctly (about a 25% chance of that actually), the USSR did that in the 50s and 60s, and they lost their seat (and unilateral veto) on the security council. Net result, Korea and Vietnam were a loss for their expansion of communism in SE Asia.

    OF course, I could be 100% wrong on that.

    1. The USSR (and its successor Russia) always was a member. They did boycott the council for a while, during the Korean War era. That was something they could have reversed at any time but apparently neglected to do.
      Viet Nam did not involve a UN security council resolution as far as I can see — it was Kennedy’s unilateral decision.
      In any case, the fact that the UN might have done something right once or twice, over 60 years ago, doesn’t have much bearing on the obvious problem that its history ever since is steeped in human rights abuse in general and institutional antisemitism in particular.

    2. At the time North Korea invaded South Korea, the Rooskies (with a permanent seat on the Security Council) were boycotting the U.N. because they wouldn’t kick out the Nationalist Chinese.

      That let the U.S. – at the time and still pretty much – the He-Bull of the U.N., push through the resolution to use military force to expel the Norks.

      The Commies learned their lesson and never did that again.

      If the U.S. ever decided to leave the U.N. it would collapse into nothing more than a bunch of squabbling nutballs, no more powerful that the ‘World Court’ is today.

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