President Trump announced late Monday he will soon sign an executive order “to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States,” in what appeared to be a drastic escalation of his efforts to fight the coronavirus pandemic and boost the economy.

Trump to ‘suspend immigration into the United States’ by executive order amid coronavirus

I believe we are about to see a major explosion of cases in South America. So far, they have been spared because they were the last area the virus moved too, but I have the feeling it is about to change. The problem is, I bleieve it is already there, but te countries are being less than truthful about the cases. You guys saw the post of the craziness in Guayaquil, Ecuador with government officials admitting to the BBC about the more than a thousand corpses picked up, yet the “official” number as of this posting is only 507 for the whole country.

A hospital in the country side of Colombia just saw his personnel quit en masse because they do not have the proper equipment to take care of the patients or safety gear for themselves. Officially Colombia only has 3,977 cases and 189 deaths with a population of 49 million, which should not be enough to tax the health system of the country.

In Venezuela, the government says it only has 285 cases with 10 deaths, yet they close down access to Nueva Sparta State (Margarita Island) and imposed martial law with a curfew from 4:00 pm till 10:00 am.  The reason? Covid-19.

I haven’t checked other countries, but I can almost smell something brewing. When I see parsimony and quietness from south of the border, my neck’s hair stands up.

I do hope I am wrong.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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