My account got suspended again in less than a week. Reason given: too many unsolicited replies. I know I had a long conversation with a lady about gun control, parted in great terms and were supposed to get back and finish. All other interactions with mostly idiots were short, sweet and free of bad words.

If you have Twitter, search the term #TwitterGulag. Not for nothing but appears to be a huge number of conservatives/Libertarians/gun owners/ and basically non-libs spending time shut down. Either Twitter is being selective on its prosecution or Libs are targeting people to shut them down…OK, both are very probable.

If you do interact a lot in Twitter and are pissing off the right people, make sure you have an alternate account.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Twitter Cyberwarfare?”
  1. why stop with one? you know how many email accounts I have? *grin* If they try and play that game with me they’ll find it difficult because I can go on creating alternates all damn day.

  2. Isn’t harassment against the Twitter TOS? Wouldn’t the CSGV’s actions in this case be a banworthy offense?

    We’re in a mexican standoff, and both sides are calling for very literal open warfare(the kind that involves REALLY killing REAL people, not the euphemism for a shouting match). I think we ought to go for it, before the other side realizes how stupid it is to go to war for the side that hates weapons.

  3. I had my Twitter account suspended three times for no apparent reason and based on false or inaccurate statements by the Twitter-advisory board or whatever the Comintern calls itself – remember they are in San Francisco and reliably-culturally not Libertarian.
    I let them go, it wasn’t worth the effort since I’m not a cell-phone/smartphone user and not dependent on the amusement it provides.

    1. Post a list of Twitter accounts you’ve seen them use here. There’s no reason their own tactics won’t work against them. We outnumber them 3 to 1.

      (74% of US citizens polled oppose handgun bans.)

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