From Twitter:


Just like hypocritical politicians who violate their own lockdown orders to go out to dinner, the medical community has been burning up their credibility like is North Vietnamese jungle during Operation Arclight.

A lot of doctors as it turns out, are just atrocious, partisan assholes who wear lab coats to work.

The idea of the consummate professional healer is dead.

I’ve understood that this type of doctor has existed for a long time.  Dr. Josef Mengele committed atrocities against Jews and other prisoners and undesirables in concentration camps.

Shiro Ishii is perhaps the only man on earth worse then Mengele.  He ran the Japanese Unit 731.  That tested weapons and experimental medical procedures on prisoners.  Some were subjected to extreme conditions then vivisected.

Mengele and Ishii were highly credentialed, from the best medical schools, and it was precisely because of that they were made commanders in government medical programs.

Likewise for the doctors who conducted the Tuskegee Experiment.

The Soviet Union has armies of doctors who would diagnose Soviet citizens with mental illness and have them locked away in asylum.  This was often done to Soviet citizens of rank that couldn’t easily be disappeared or accused of treason. They would be diagnosed with “sluggish schizophrenia” and locked away.

History is rife with credentialed medical professionals who work for the government committed crime against humanity in the names of science or medicine, but really out of ideology.

The medical profession is from from impeccably honest and pure as the driven snow.

But recently these assholes, like the doctors above, have come out of the woodwork.

We do not deny alcoholics liver transplants. We deny people who drink liver transplants because alcohol causes rejection.  A recovered alcoholic who is sober can get a transplant.

Medical care is not a treat for being good and withholding medical care is not a punishment for being bad.  It’s most certainly not a punishment for not agreeing with the political ideology of the doctor.

I’m sure if we’re up to this doctor, your voting registration would be on your medical chart for him to decide how much care, if any, you deserve. Maybe your education and lost of privileges too.

Blue collar, Trump voter with chest pains, you get a Tums.

Biden voter with a BLM sign for your Twitter avatar, and you get rushed to the front of the line for a chest x-ray and EKG.

When you have to power to wield life and death, that becomes tempting.  These assholes want to use that power against their political enemies.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Tyrants in Lab Coats”
  1. Is there any evidence that this “Cleavon” character is actually a medical doctor? For all we know, MD are his initials. Or just a random character string he appended to his alias for random purposes.
    In any case, you’re quite right that not all doctors are honest. Some are quacks, such as the people who speak of gun ownership as an epidemic. A few are outright homicidal maniacs.

    Meanwhile, the policies he pushes for sound a bit like what is practiced in the socialist wastelands of Europe, in England especially. Consider that England is the place where, by decree of the highest courts, “medical” people have the power of life and death over children and the parents don’t have the right to object or even to offer — and pay for — better choices.

    1. England, with their NHS (The shining star of socialized medicine) is not properly equipped to handle a bus crash. If a dozen people needed immediate trauma care, they would have to find four to six A&E rooms to accommodate the rush.

      Decisions on who lives and who dies, whether the child gets treated or whether they are given palliative care are not up to the average doctor. Some bureaucrat reading a spreadsheet has made a data based determination on how much equipment is to be allocated to what hospitals, doctor surgeries, and clinics. If the demand exceeds the ability to treat, bummer… Too bad so sad.

      One thing you do have incorrect is that England does have a thriving private healthcare industry. Treatment is very pricey, but none of the private hospitals or practices are lacking customers.

  2. “I’m sure if we’re up to this doctor, your voting registration would be on your medical chart for him to decide how much care, if any, you deserve. Maybe your education and lost of privileges too.”

    With the Biden/Harris “health care for all none” this probably won’t be a hypothetical.

  3. Sanctimonious grandstanding is apparently addictive, and the medical profession clearly has addicts.

    If this fellow would like me to sign a waiver saying I’m to be at the back of the line for treatment should I contract Covid, I’ll gladly sign it, and I’m sure many other would as well. People can then get back to their lives and jobs, and the pearl clutching “Walking Dead” crowd can stay hunkered down at home in a constant state of terror, cursing the sunlight and those with a will to live.

  4. “If this fellow would like me to sign a waiver saying I’m to be at the back of the line for treatment should I contract Covid, I’ll gladly sign it, and I’m sure many other would as well.”

    I am with you on that. I would rather die from COVID than live in the “new normal” we are stuck with. I am tired of wearing a bit of paper across my lower face, pretending it actually makes a difference. I am tired of hearing radio ads every 10 minutes telling us we can all make it through COVID together. I am tired of seeing the visceral reaction of people when I get less than six feet away.

    Mostly I am tired of busybodies telling me that I have to obey their arbitrary dictates because…. reasons.

    If my grandmother was still alive today, she would be in agreement with me on this. 15 days to slow the spread = OK, locking her into her apartment with zero contact with her grandkids? Not a chance.

    I am so done with this.

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