I have abandoned our friends of the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence because simply they are not producing the good stuff since Ladd left them for rainbow-colored pastures.  That he has been an abject failure on the other group, just makes it for delightful for us.

I dropped by CSGV earlier and found this post about the NYPD officer assassinated:

I have to say hat Paul Escudero intrigued me and I checked his Facebook account… and not surprisingly he goes at it.

I have to admit that the NRA controlling unions is a new one, but that Gun Control has taken a BLM/Hate Cops position is not new and they are just getting braver (out of desperation) to come out of the closet and say so openly.

And I am all for them to be Cop Haters.  I want every one of the Leaders of the Gun Control groups to come out and be hippies like that because they would be wagering against the wrong people. I want them to lose the favor of the “selected” (as opposed to elected) police chiefs and Sheriffs across the nation.

But that also means that the verbally dumb “members” of “our side” that love to bash cops because they feel it is the macho thing to do, have to clamp it down or find a way to sound constructive. I go back to Philando Castile and the Pavlovian response of unconditional support and criticism against Officer Yanez before the fact were in. If anything this case proved that both screwed up and that just because you were issued a CWP, you are no longer capable of making mistakes or do stupid shit.

The Opposition is dropping a very important ball on our laps. Let us not be fools and kick it away because of some stupid notion of Chest-Beating fashion says is what the Cool Kids do.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Unhinged CSGV Fan keeps proving my point.”
  1. This Mr. Escudero sounds to be about 6 standard deviations (SDs) from the mean (i.e. he is way out there crazy).

    Ladd is so sad…as in pathetic, just like every gun control freak. You would think that reality (i.e. > > 300 million firearms) would cause them to pause and give up.

    Nope, it is their religion and facts be damned. Oh, and Bloomberg bucks.

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