Several people sent me this article. Thank you all.

According to Bloomberg News, Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro has quietly begun transferring state assets back into the hands of private owners in an effort to reverse the country’s economic collapse.

“Saddled with hundreds of failed state companies in an economy barreling over a cliff, the Venezuelan government is abandoning socialist doctrine by offloading key enterprises to private investors, offering profit in exchange for a share of revenue or products,” write Caracas-based journalists Fabiola Zerpa and Nicolle Yapur.

Bloomberg: Venezuela Turns to Privatization After Being Bankrupted by Socialism

Maduro is trying (and probably will succeed) in repeat what Fidel Castro did in Cuba in the 90s. After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the ending to the $ 1.5 billion that the Soviet Union subsidized in the island every year, Castro found himself with having to find hard currency to buy the many items not produced in the country such as food. In a bold move, he “opened” the island to foreign business to take over the tourism and entertainment and make Cuba again a dream vacation spot. IIRC, most of the investors were from Spain and most of the tourist were Canadians and South Americans. The fellow Hispanics were attracted to the Medical Tourism  which was also advertised: The same quality medicine as the US but a a small fraction of the price. What a scam that was.

Soon enough you were looking at Audis and Ferraris driving around the Malecon next to the dilapidated vehicles form the 50s and old Soviet derelicts.  Boutiques stores were open in the “foreign section” with hotels and night clubs resurrecting the old shine with salsa music, exotic dancers and fruity drinks.

And when all was back up and running with plenty of dollars and euros coming in, Fidel kicked everybody out and kept the whole thing for the country (himself and his) creating massive losses to the dumbasses who actually believed Cuba was changing.

So what Maduro may be thinking, specially now that PedoJoe blocked the US Oil Industry and the price of crude will probably soar,  is to find some dumb investors that will rebuild the oil infrastructure, get the pumps pumping and the pipes delivering again with the promise of profit ins non-Venezuelan currency.  An when the idiots clean up the mess and get the black tea flowing again, Maduro will accuse them of whatever excuse he needs and kick them out of the country while he and his buddies go full piranha on the industry again.

Let me put it this way: Not even the Chinese are investing in Venezuela anymore, OK? So you have to be royally dumb to do so.

But somebody will, mark my words.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

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