Reading about this Homeowner who ends up jailed for firing warning shot I keep thinking what an idiocy warning shots are. Before anything else, that you might be arrested for a warning shot is stupid even if you are only gonna be charged with a misdemeanor and specially if the only thing “hurt” might have been your lawn.

In a statement the Mesquite Police Department said in part, “the man and his family were in no immediate danger.”

And they are right. If you have time and space enough to carefully place a warning shot, you are not in immediate danger. The other possible option is that you, even though were in a real situation of death or grave bodily harm, decided that the Christian thing to do is to give the attacking party a chance to kill you or hurt you. If you are in immediate danger, the only proper placement for a bullet is somewhere in the anatomy of the attacking individual.

Besides, the Bad Guy has been already warned by Society that breaking and entering,  assault, rape, murder, etc are against the law and that there are some people with guns out there that may kill them if they continue with their criminal pastimes. The only thing a warning shot accomplishes is to reduce your immediate ammo availability by one.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Warning Shot = Wasted Shot.”
  1. Isn’t it a mandatory 20 years sentence for a warning shot in Florida?

    I think that’s what happened to that woman on trial in Jacksonville a few weeks ago.

  2. This defies logic. It is called deadly force for a reason. I never can understand the shoot to wound crowd either. The idea of a malicious wounding charge seems foreign to them; they cannot comprehend how a potentially fatal shot to the vitals is ok, but shooting someone in the leg or shoulder is not.

  3. If I was being attacked, I’d give one warning shot to the chest followed my the rest of the mag if they didn’t comply.

  4. Yep, nothing says “get back or I’ll be forced to take drastic measures” quite like a couple of hollow points to the lung. Or heart. I’m not picky.

  5. I beleive the guy was “breaking” into the guys backyard. At the time the shot was fired he was fleeing. You NEVER shoot as someone whoe fleeing! If they’re fleeeing they are no longer a threat.

  6. As noted arlier, warning shots are just irresponsible accuracy. MN law tells CCW classes ‘no warning shots’. The instructor I had said the first warning shot should be COM, the next should be in the head if COM doesn’t stop the attack.

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