Thanks to the efforts of Borepatch, we will finally have one. I am just gonna copy/paste the whole thing.

Southwest Florida Blogshoot – November 14

I checked with my gun club and they can handle a group coming to meet and shoot.  So here are the details:

When: Saturday, November 14 at 12:30 PM

Where: Manatee Gun and Archery Club, Myakka City, FL

The date is far enough out to give folks tie to plan.  It also will be after the election and whatever post-election excitement we see (hopefully) but before Thanksgiving gets too close.

The range will charge $20 for a half day’s shooting.  There are 100, 200, and 300 yard ranges, plus a 25 yard pistol range.  The Queen Of The World is planning to make some sandwiches.  If we get enough people (15) then we can reserve a private range at the club which has 25 – 200 yard ranges.

Leave a comment if you want to come.  TQOTW and some of her girlfriends are planning on coming, so bring your better half.

The Gonzalez Household will be attending, specially if we get a range long enough so I can zero some rifles.

I was thinking that we can probably count on everybody to have a least a sidearm and just to make it fun and if we can get all the ducks in a row, we could all try and do the The New FBI Qualification Course. It only takes 50 rounds of your favorite plinking ammo and you all can laugh at how bad I shot it.  We really need to get the range for ourselves, so we better cough up the $300.
I’ll keep you guys updated.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “We are having a Florida Blogshot!”
  1. Yay! Glad you’re coming.

    BTW, I just last Saturday sighted in my AR. I even have a laser boresight although it’s hard to see in the sunlight. 🙁

  2. I’m in like Flynn. Haven’t gone to a range since last year & have some new rifles i’d like to zero. 😃
    Thanks to all who set this up. 👍

    P.s. noticed the edit function is back. Thanks Miguel!

  3. I’m in.

    I’ll bring some of my ‘rona builds.

    Hey Miguel, are you still interested in that Ruger 9mm carbine? If so, I’ll bring it so you can try it out.

  4. “We really need to get the range for ourselves, so we better cough up the $300.”

    I’m guessing donations towards this noble cause being accepted… so who do I Paypal some fundage towards getting the range for our group?

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