J.D Kinman pointed us to this exchange:

Back in the ages when I was in High School South of the Caribbean, we had to take a very basic class in psychology, nothing heavy. One of the things we were taught was about Frustration and how important it was to experience them. And also how to deal with them in a healthy and productive way which meant stop bashing the head against a wall and to seek solutions: Go above, go around or go under… (later in life, the use of high explosives came into focus, but that is for another day.)

What I did not expect to see was people going out of their way to stop teaching kids about frustrations. To teach them that it is part of the natural process of living and fix the problem or even accept the problem may have no solution. What we got was a generation taught that dealing with frustrations is bad and that the world has to go out of its way to either solve the problem or reward them for being frustrated. We got us a generation of kids accustomed to participation trophies and attaboys for failing either on purpose or because they did not bother to try hard.

When they are suddenly having to deal with real life, when they find that  one problem without easy solution and nobody that comes and makes things better for them, they lose it. They become unadjusted brats and start acting up to which the medical experts compound the problem by giving them all kinds of chemicals to screw their minds even more.

We substituted the teaching of obtaining self-discipline with a prescription for Adderall and now we have a potential herd of maniacs out there ready to resolve their hissy fits with violence.

One more thought. We now see that teaching Right from Wrong has changed from when we were kids.
Right: Whatever makes you feel good.
Wrong: Whatever makes you feel bad.
We eliminated conscience and let Freud’s Id run the show.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “We do not teach frustration anymore.”
  1. Miguel:

    You are truly “my brother from another mother”.

    I was working on an essay along those lines.

    Playing football, in Scouts, we were taught to push on, to persevere , to overcome. Don’t blame the world for my failures, but improve, develop, practice more, and don’t quit. The story of Columbus “ Sail On”. We read “If”, and matured. Obligation, responsibility and duty. Later on learned another name for it -“ Suck it up and drive on; continue the mission”.

    A whole lot of the current generation has missed this entirely.

    A whole cohort of anarcho-nihilist atheists have never been told: “ murder is wrong and immoral , even if you want to”. Their personal wants and desires are the only measure of behavior.
    An anarcho-nihilist atheist who wants to kill is not capable of self restraint, because their personal desires are their highest measure of morality. When it has grown to such as stage , such socio-pathology can only be remedied with the bayonet or the Glock.

  2. I don’t recall any formal classes on dealing with frustration per se. I do recall being told by parents that: no, you can’t have that toy; if you don’t like what’s on you plate, you don’t have to eat it, but don’t expect Mom to make you something else; if you don’t stop crying, I’ll give you something to cry about, etc.

    I went to high school, in a small town in Idaho, a number of students drove to school in pickups with 22s or 30-30s in the gunrack, nobody cared. We also had an indoor rimfire range in the basement, as well a a number of rifles stored there. Considering that nearly everyone’s Dad was a WWII veteran, just about everybody had access to some kind of firearm. There were exactly zero school shooting events.

  3. These things never seem to happen in Ohio, I guess being born as Browns/Bengals fan means learning to deal with frustration is a genetic trait up there. I think young Mr. Hogg is discover what frustration is first hand is and doesn’t like it one bit, frankly it is only a matter of time until he snaps and has public melt down ala the Kony 2012 fella.

  4. This, and the comment section thus far reads like boomerposting. Put more thought into it.

    1. C- why don’t you lead by example and use YOUR words to say what is wrong with the post.
      Your words, not a link and a sneer. We’ll even give you a participation trophy!

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