On my last post I touched on the subject of the EU banning disposable food utensils and containers that may lead to transmitting diseases.  We already know about the crappy Social Medicine scheme and how they are forced to ration health care.

So what happens when you add the last ingredient?

Notice the workers are funny donned in hazmat suits.
I wonder why.

Some other scenes from the streets of Paris.

And France is not the only one. The same to different degrees is being repeated all over Europe.
It would be sadly funny that the biological apocalypse will not be due by some specially GMO virus concocted by Evil Pharma but a combination of TB, Diphtheria. Cholera and assorted regular sicknesses that used to be controlled by a little hygiene.

You think I am crazy and perhaps exaggerating just a bit? The third cause of death in the US is Medical Malpractice. Many of those come from infectious diseases simply because personnel did not sanitize their hands or other permanent items.  If you have the misfortune of going to a medical facility, check how many doctors and nurses and assistant actually wash/disinfect their hands in between patients and rely only on wearing gloves, which helps but it is not enough.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “The Impending European Health Collapse”
  1. The old enemies, though controlled, remain deadly; how long before plague, malaria, yellow fever, cholera, “Spanish Flu” or others break free the bonds that hold them in check and once again ravage the earth?

  2. Last time I was in DC, I was kind of surprised to see the number of tent cities popping up on street corners.

    There was always a homeless issue, but tents? That was a new one on me. But, hey, it is a Democrat paradise. What could go wrong.

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