We are now a country that elects aristocracy and not representatives. When an elected official tells you up front he does not read the communications of the citizens of his state because they go against what he wants to do, it is time to think seriously about kicking people out of office one way or the other.

It is now a race to see which party self-immolates first.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “We have become a Banana Republic”
    1. It’s weird how some of the state senators in Colorado push through unpopular legislation and ignore the complaints of the voters. At least one senator was caught deleting Facebook comments from people who said they would not vote for her if she voted in favor of these bills.

      It’s almost like they think they’ll win no matter what.

      As if they have the election rigged.

      1. It’s almost like they think they’ll win no matter what.

        Bloomberg has promised them the moon if they forced this legislation. As I heard, the initial draft had some issues because the wording was not the common wording using in Colorado Law and that struck people as funny. Interesting it was the same wording that MAIG lawyers used in the SAFE law in NY.
        Basically NY is now trying to dictate the rest of the US what the laws should be. Not for nothing but I am not a New Yorker and refuse to be a subject of Pasha Bloomberg or King Cuomo.

        1. So what you’re saying is that California invited New York to join it in a gang-rape of Colorado.

          I need an adult.

  1. There’s a recall petition currently out for John Morse.

    I need to remember to sign it if I get my hands on it.

    Problem is that most of my Democrat friends think this is totally peachy, and that our representatives shouldn’t represent us, and that it’s totally cool to lie about your cause so that you can further your cause, and have rulers and leaders who don’t bother obeying the very same laws they pass.

    1. It’s scary how the NY liberals think it’s OK how they rammed the SAFE act through too. What makes them think they won’t do that again, now that they’re letting them get away with it?

      1. In New York they aren’t getting away with it. They’ve been sued multiple times already, over half of the counties in New York have passed resolutions to not enforce it, and the other half have pending resolutions to not enforce it.

        Also that lawsuit? 1200+ plantiffs. TWELVE HUNDRED! That’s a lot of people, expect it to be fast tracked to the Supreme Court if New York doesn’t fold first.

  2. He’s a Democrat who was elected, so why is it such a shock that he’s ignoring constituents pushing non-Democrat viewpoints? Do you think an evangelical Republican spends any time listening to his constituents who are advocating for pro-choice?

    OK, he’s truly a dumbass for openly admitting he ignores constituents, but beyond that, why is anyone shocked? I always thought this was par for the course (I tend to be a cynical bastard…)

  3. Is ignoring communication from his constituents in the ballpark of denying their “right to petition the government”?

    And would that be considered “insurrection or rebellion” against the Constitution?

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