Raised left fist which is the indicator of Socialism. A Brown male in a position of delivery holding a White baby? Are we to believe he pooped the child?  I really have no idea how to interpret this other than some amazingly full of shit gender twisting politics that has nothing to do with childbirth.

I need a drink.

Hat Tip @MalRoadkill, you bastard! 😀

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “What in the fresh hell is this?”
  1. “I need a drink.”

    Me, too.

    Why hasn’t the new “birthing parent” started “chest feeding”? The “baby” (??) is probably hungry.

    FWIW, that is the British spelling of “Practicing”, so that might explain it.

  2. Two bits says the intent was as much to make conservatives upset, and thus provide yet more fodder for branding them racists / intolerant / whatever, as it was anything else.

    1. Not taking that bet.

      I have zero doubt the intent was to make conservatives upset. It is the same logic behind pink pussy hats, the vagina monologues, and cocks not glocks.

      Some people do not realize there is a difference between being shocking and being clever.

    2. It’s a UK based magazine. The UK virtue signals so hard that they have a hard time charging ‘asians’ for sexually abusing teenage girls because muh racism.

    1. My husband gave birth to our daughters fifteen and twelve years ago. But neither one of us are attention seeking progressive whiners, so we don’t write navel gazing think-pieces for The New Yorker or whatever fresh hell this thing is.

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