We are to the point we need to keep our thoughts to ourselves. The Opposition (and I don’t mean Antifa) is still holds the power of Law. In my case I live under the influence of Katherine Fernandez Rundle , Miami-Dade County States Attorney and pupil of one Janet Reno and sincerely I don’t want a Cuban Waco in my side of the Everglades.

If the switch flips, then that legal power becomes salt poured into the sea: meaningless. But only if those rising understand that they will not doing  a live version of am XBox game and that the Antifa boys are not the real targets. And that you will be called upon doing things you criticized others did.

And there are no reset buttons.

Maybe it is time to re-read What I Saw At The Coup, but carefully.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “What will be needed to be done.”
  1. Read your history. This is similar to what happened in the late 1960’s. The Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) had noble ideas, but were led in part by some hard core communist mother-f’ers. They started protests with the noblest of ideas, Free Speech, End the War, Civil Rights for Blacks. They ended up as the domestic terrorists of the Weatherman Underground and a half dozen other organizations.

    Read “Days of Rage,” by Bryan Burrough. Check your library, and the half price remainder bins at bookstores for it.

    The Antifa and BLM protest leaders are actively recruiting, indoctrinating, and brainwashing the new generation of domestic terrorists. The hands off attitudes of the Democrat Mayors, City Councils, Police Chiefs, DAs, and Democrat State Governors are giving the recruiters and programmers of Antifa and BLM time and a youthful, motivated, and idealistic population to use to mold the new revolutionary communist cadres they will use to terrorize this nation in the 2020’s.

    When we come out the other side, kiss our Bill of Rights away. Either Commies will win, or we will end up with an intrusive authoritarian safety first government run by people like the Karens of COVID.

    And if Civil War 2.0 kicks off? Either it stops before 10,000 dead, or we go the whole ugly way and don’t stop before 30-40 MILLION. It won’t be Lee vs Meade and nice straight lines of uniformed gentlemen combatants like 1861-1863. It will likely be Sherman vs Atlanta, Sherman vs Georgia, and Phil Sheridan burning the Shenandoah Valley. It will be the criminal gangs looting the Missouri-Kansas borders. We are too well mixed together, conservative, liberal and Socialist/ Marxist/ Communist; Christian, Jew, Atheist, Muslim; sane and insane. It will be guerrillas, partisans, reprisals and counter-reprisals, atrocities and counter atrocities.

    I have no way of knowing what will be the final form of our country, but I do know when Uncle Sam is distracted, other continents will BURN. Hopefully it won’t go world wide nuclear.

    1. The end result will be balkanization. We’re too large and spread out of a country with large swaths of population having their own subcultures to unify under a single overarching government. It’s how America began with the 13 colonies and how we grew as a nation into a superpower. It’s in our blood.
      As for future conflict, oh yeah, it’s gonna be the Balkans all over again. Multiplied.

  2. Actions (and lack of actions) has consequences.

    So far, the rioters have not had to suffer any consequences. For the most part, they get nothing but the thrill of destroying someone else’s property, and some sweet new (looted) gear. Heck, some incel in Portland actually got to see his first naked woman in real life.

    No adverse effects from their actions. Result is you get more of it. It will only stop when there are consequences. Lori Lightfoot found out when the “mostly peaceful” protesters showed up at her front door. Suddenly, being secure in your home became important.

    The people agitating the crowds need to get the consequences they deserve. Until that happens. you can expect more.

  3. The elimination of enemies is coming. That is the entire point behind doxing. That is the reason why Antifa followed the Proudboys back to their cars.

    I have already eliminated Social Media. If violence begins to get worse in Florida, the blog will be next.

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