Via Clayton Cramer:

 Immediately after the shooting, kind of two groups of students came forward. And one group got a lot more attention than the other.

The group of students [that] got attention said, “We blame the Second Amendment. We blame the NRA. We blame the gun for what happened.” The other group of students said, “We knew it was him before it was over. The student threatened to kill us. He threatened to rape us. He threatened to kill our families. He brought knives to school. He brought bullets to school. We saw something. We said something. They did nothing. They didn’t protect us from him.”

‘Exposing Everything That Went Wrong’: A Parkland Researcher Speaks Out

Don’t forget that still not a single member of the Broward County school board has been punished for the many mistakes that led to the killings and they even got rewarded with an infusion of taxpayer’s money. We rewarded bad behavior handsomely.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “What you won’t hear on the second anniversary of the Parkland Shooting”
  1. The other group of students said, “We knew it was him before it was over. The student threatened to kill us. He threatened to rape us. He threatened to kill our families. He brought knives to school. He brought bullets to school. We saw something. We said something. They did nothing. They didn’t protect us from him.”

    And the people responsible for protecting them bravely ran away.

    In an unrelated matter, Andrew McCabe will not be prosecuted for the crimes the Inspector General alleges he committed.

    Laws are a just a Western Construct, and no longer matter to a progressive society.

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