This is a follow-up to this Tweet from a previous post:

There were many replies to Master Gunnery Sgt. Scott Stalker.

One addressed his apparent pudginess in the video.


That’s an immature attack on the man.  There is a lot to criticize about a senior-level NCO using an official DOD account to attack a civilian journalist, but this is just needless ad hominem.

However, the MGySgt responded like a total high school dude-bro.


Sweet baby Jesus, what is that?

You’d think that a man who has reached the highest level of NCO in the Marine Corps with 28 years of service would know how to let it go that someone called him chubby.

Nope.  He’s got to post his flex pictures like he’s updating a Tinder profile.

This is the sort of douche-bag behavior you’d expect from some C-list TV actor or minor celebrity.  This is a man who has had people actually throw grenades at him and he gets all bent out of shape because someone implied he was fat.

A quick Google search revealed this article from



Maybe this is a case of “train like you fight.”  Years of experience as an actual keyboard warrior have prepared him for a Twitter battle.

Here’s the thing.

We in the gun community routinely joke about how effective the military would be going up against millions of civilians on their home turf.

If you think that applies to AR-15s just wait until the military decides to engage in meme wars against an army of Right-Wing shitposters.  Their defeat will be epic.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “When did Marine leadership officially become thin-skinned dude-bro douchebags”
  1. MGySgt Stalker’s official biography from the United States Space Command website can be read at the link below. I’m not completely positive, but the way it reads to me, it looks like he’s spent his entire career as an intelligence and/or technology specialist… An IT guy who eventually became upper management of other IT guys. Notably, I’m not seeing a Combat Action Ribbon on his rack and his list of deployments contains a lot of name dropping but not a lot of detail.

    I’ll defer to the many veterans on this site, but I’m picking up a strong “Fobbit” vibe. Ain’t nothing wrong with being support personnel in the rear, when I was attempting to enlist (I was medically disqualified) I had plans to be a paralegal… But this guy seems like a career IT weenie who’s trying to cloak himself in borrowed badass-ery.

    1. Here is his official picture. The ribbon a top of the salad bar is suppose to represent his highest award if I am not mistaken.:

      Defense Superior Service Ribbon

      Awarded by the Secretary of Defense to any member of the armed forces for superior meritorious service after February 6, 1976 in a position of significant responsibility while assigned to a DOD joint activity, including the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and specified and unified commands.

      Sounds like Deskborne duty to me

        1. Okay, I was wrong, he does have a Combat Action Ribbon… Still, I’m thinking this guy is more bureaucrat than he is door-kicker.

          Not that there’s anything wrong with that, mind you, but it does put his “flex” in a weird light.

      1. Medals don’t impress me…I’ve seen more than a few senior NCO’s get pretty medals like that just for being somewhere for a while. He’s more politician than Marine now.

    2. This Gunny has about as much combat time as Tucker Carlson….and about as much as myself (20 years USAF, Comm. Tech with about half of my career in tactical comm as field comm. support and a 3 1/2 year tour at Cheyenne Mtn). So I’ve got about as much experience as the Gunny in that field too….and I AGREE with Carlson that the military is slowly being converted into a no-win social experimentation society. The Gunny OF COURSE has to toe the politically correct line now and defend his leftist inspired commanders….or else be forced out…and he’s still got another 2 years to go for his max retirement. So is he saying what he feels is right or is he just being put up there as another leftist poster boy? You decide.

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