A Virginia rape suspect was released from jail over coronavirus concerns — and then shot dead his accuser, authorities say.

Ibrahim E. Bouaichi, 33, of Greenbelt, Md., had been indicted on charges of rape, strangulation and abduction after Karla Dominguez, a native of Venezuela, told cops in Alexandria, Va., that he sexually assaulted her in October, the Washington Post said.

…, despite objections by an Alexandria prosecutor, lawyers for the man, who was charged with six felonies, successfully argued on April 9 that he be released on $25,000 bond …

Less than a month after Bouaichi’s release from the Alexandria jail, he was arrested May 8 for allegedly ramming a K-9 officer’s vehicle in Greenbelt, the Washington Post said.

He was charged with first-degree assault, harming a law enforcement dog and other counts and released May 11, Maryland court records show.

But Bouaichi remained free — and on July 29, he returned to Dominguez’s apartment building and fatally shot her, police said.

Rape suspect freed from jail amid COVID-19 allegedly kills accuser

If I was a person of faith and gathered with other like-minded individuals in a public space, Police would be sent to disperse us and if we refused, we would end up behind bars where apparently the Wuhan V. is so bad they get to release rapists to attack cops and murder women.

Hat Tip Matt Bracken

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “When the government gives you a Get Out Of Jail and Go Kill card.”
  1. Where is the justice? The judge who released him has retired. The “lawyers” who got him out of jail are upset for a day, mainly because they didn’t get to bill out for the anticipated trial…The surviving family is out the cost of a funeral and is now seeing our system at it’s worst….The judge could care less…the law was served. The lawyers could really care less…they did their job…and nothing changes.

  2. Why release him? He was 33 years old. Chinese Coronavirus is just another case of the flu for 33 year olds. If he was 70 years old, I could see that releasing him would be a reasonable precaution, but then again, there are no 70 year old rapists either.

    This is what happens when you empty the jails.

    When the Vigilanteism starts? I didn’t see shit! I think he was a tall thin black short white man with curly red hair on his heavyset frame, as a matter of fact, he looked tall for being a Mexican man.

  3. rd is right. Very soon vigilante justice will become the norm. I suspect killing the retired judge and the politicians responsible will be next on the list.

    The government has ONE JOB. Maintain law, order, and security, so men do not take these matters into their own hands. When the government is derelict, it is no longer legitimate.

    1. Except the Powers That Be will throw so many resources at solving the death of a judge or a politician they are almost bound to solve the crime. Joe Blow at his Bodega gets one or hopefully two detectives and an evidence tech. Wack a politician and the crime has a task force assigned to it with local, state, and federal police assigned to it. Entire crime labs will be reviewing any evidence.

      They will solve the crime, even if they have to blame it on Steve Hatfill again.

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