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Imagine if you were to give them a P38. We are talking slow death by starvation.

p38 can opener

Future archaeologists will find skeletons surrounding unopened cans of food and wonder what the hell happened.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

16 thoughts on “When the Zombie Apocalypse comes, Preppers, they ain’t.”
  1. i have one on my keyring. it was given to me by a Captain when I was in the Airforce in 1986. I use it now and then.

  2. Good lord…

    That is seriously pathetic. The world of pop tops and twist caps is all these people know and it shows.

    Hell even my left handed daughter can use a simple can opener better than that.

  3. Guys, this is terrible “performance art”. The person here is acting out some goofy interpretive thingy because they have no other creative talent. They aren’t actually that inept with a can opener

  4. I want to start a performance art moment where the goal is to find really lame performance art, and interrupt it. With performance art.
    Let’s see- have a dozen people with really loud cellphones synced to play “19-2000” as a ringtone at the exact same time.

  5. The strange part of me wishes to know just how many of the audience thought the performance was just a load of nonsense, but attended for the sole purpose of impressing someone else. And I wonder just how many of the someone elses were there to impress yet another someone?

    What a horrible life to live, having to watch this sort of dreck on a regular basis to show how hip and cool one is!

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