It has become the norm for Lefts to engage in self-flagellation virtue signaling whereby they denounce their organization’s inherent or structural racism/sexism/bigotry/etc.

It’s obnoxious.

Now it’s backfiring.


If Princeton really is a racist organization, it doesn’t deserve federal money.

If it wants the money, it is going to have to walk back its statement and explain that it was all meaningless virtue signaling bullshit to appease the woke mob.

Between a rock and a hard place.

This is awesome, just awesome.

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “When your woke bulls**t platitudes backfire”

    Seriously. I sometimes have to admit I LOVE Trump. What other Presidential administration would withhold funding over something like this? Heck, the 0 Presidency would probably double the Federal funding for a University that said they were inherently racist.

    Wait, what? They are not racist, but racism is embedded in the university? Damn, Orwell was a prophet.

  2. Princeton is VERY racist. But that racism is directed towards mainly white males and Asian males.

    But that’s ok. It’s not racist to attack white people and not enroll them because they are white because after all racism against people for being white is not racist. Not enrolling them because they are white is not racist, blaming whites for everything wrong in the world is not racist, demanding they give up what they have or have worked for at the point of a government gun via high taxes or outright seizure and give to people who have darker skin simply for having darker skin is not racist. Calling for the complete and total global extermination of the entire white population because they are white is not racist; it’s the progressive thing to do.

    1. It’s not really racism directed at whites, but more an unspoken Leftist belief that the White Supremacist are correct, but that is a bad thing. The wokesters really do believe and preach that White People are a Master Race, but often use that power for evil. They believe that their culture is stronger, their intellect higher, and so on.
      They won’t express it like that, but it’s under it all.

  3. The Education Department just informed Princeton that it’s under formal investigation following the president’s declaration that racism is “embedded” in the university.

    Like they say on Law & Order, “Sounds like a confession to me.”

    And he admitted it freely, in context, with no coercion.

    If I were a federal investigator, this is a dream case. The hard work is already done!

  4. Please don’t confuse Princeton and Yale… They are very different Ivy League schools. Neither deserve federal funding anyhow – aren’t they for rich kids?

    1. They have massive endowments and pools of cash built up over the centuries. They can draw on that, if they’re so committed to being racists.

  5. The new SJW Virtue-Signaling-Boomerang from Whamco.

    Guaranteed to return to sender with full force.

    Whoosh, whoosh, and SPLAT!

  6. I git an idea! Why not pass a law for the Federal Government to de-fund universities?
    — err, don’t students pay big bucks just to go to school? Took me a few years to pay off my student loan….

  7. As they say, “The victim stance is a powerful one”

    But what they don’t grok is how mean us good folks get when our codes are violated.
    They don’t appreciate it yet, even at the last moment before the so richly deserved dirt nap they have earned their utter hubris will confound them, such arrogance is self blinding and self destructive in its scope and scale. They got a tiger by the tail, its about to turn around and rip their heads off.

    I like what Ace of AceofSpades said:
    “If you could liquify unwarranted smugness and use it as a fuel, these m***erf***ers could melt the sun. – Ace

    All courtesy of THEM: The Human Extinction Movement

    I’m truly humbled by our incredible history in America. It is everything they aren’t. And then some. I don’t think anyone has ever fully and completely exemplified this in the written or spoken word, and maybe that is proper, it sure keeps the spirit quietly fired up. Though “The Blessings of Liberty” and how ordered Liberty is a difficult thing to maintain point in the right direction. Unique to our history must originate in our cultural origins thanks in part to The Spartans ways, as Men of The West our Rifles are the center of our history, something which scares the shit out of the gamma faggots called this academic intelligentsia your posting about here, all smug and front of the bus and everything. Only the most foul and balless cowards gamma’s would think publishing this total bullshit as virtue signaling something. Self delusion and cognitive dissonance of the highest order. Hate & Envy, the two great mortal sins, and the power to hurt others, offer us nothing, we who be Freemen.
    But such is this kind of Hubris before the fall.
    In America, when it comes to choosing between Mr. Trump and George Soros, Trump wins every-time.

    Many of us are armed to the fucking teeth for a most specific reason which these clown’s cargo cult race victim card messiah exemplified, yet his particular smugness only served to create the opposite intended effect when he declared “Elections have consequences”. Yeah, do they ever. They keep ignoring America is not built upon some ideological farce.

    Self flagellation much?

    This shit goes back a long way, the splendid thing is by dint of their agenda to destroy America, they have done us a great favor and created a genuine, 100% real grass roots “woke” movement, something we all needed for quite sometime now, only needing the right catalyst, the paradigm seems to originate about 1859…Tick…Tock…if which an unbroken line of treason and the highest of crimes right down to present, only an elite cabal who have failed utterly in the classic duty and honor of Rex verses Dux.
    Regardless of their conceit and contempt for us good folks, the ages old relationship of ruler and peasant and its timeless hard won long learned reasons of Rex’s responsibilities towards the ruled, are no less essential for Rex’s survival. The ultimate in mortal earthly hubris.
    For ones who deem themselves the acme of Intelligentsia, it’s the acme of stupid you can’t fix.

    “Elites”. Yeah right. The only elitism they are worthy of is the ability to create unintended consequences by the truck load.
    The inviolate law of unintended consequences is a total fucking bitch, a runaway train coming down the pike for these clowns.
    Only the most ignorant clowns are so willfully ignorant of the circular feature of history and the dirt nap prize comes with it.

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