It is not enough that the Hallmark Channel will start its Christmas Movie avalanche of 40 new Holiday romantic movies in 10 days, but this year Lifetime has decided to go toe to toe against them and on the same date they counter bringing 28 “romance under the snow” films themselves.

And the only counter we have is Die Hard and only allowed for one day.

Guys, we are so boned is not even funny.

PS: The wife is gloating something fierce:

PS: I forgot to explain something. When we got married, we decided that the bedroom was a location where the TV was not going to be allowed.  So basically there is one TV for us to watch (mom has hers) and the TV stays in the living room for all our entertainment needs. For all intents and purposes, our household has only one TV: Hers starting October 25th.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Why I need a new TV. (and a warning to men in general)”
      1. Louisiana has no basements either but we have man caves. Might have to share with the lawn mower, drill press, and hydraulic press, but it has room for television.

  1. I agree with Curby. The Tee Wee simply provides me an opportunity to pressure test my coronary (and cerebral) arteries. At my advanced age, with a Cardiologist on speed dial, likely NOT a great idea.

    Books. Internet. Contemplating my navel. walking (reconnoitering) my neighborhood.

    All superior expenditures of my time.

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