She was not attending like you and me would. She was not there like any other parishioner but was invited by somebody in the parish to participate in the ritual doing the second reading of the scriptures.

Who in the effing parish thought it would be right to invite (and this accept) a fully committed abortionist to be active part of the Mass?  I joke around about Catholics love a sinner, but never we allow an active and unrepentant sinner to be the example to be admired or follow. Or at least that was the way things were done back when we did not have a fucking communist wearing the Papal vestments.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Why the hell was she even invited?”
  1. Amen, brother. Especially the last paragraph.

    Now, I know nothing about Fr. Petroff beyond what is presented here, but I do know (a) this travesty (Pelosi being invited to be a lector) could not have happened without his full knowledge and permission, and (b) the Paulists are generally regarded by more traditional Catholics as one of the most Modernist orders, right up there with the Jesuits and the Maryknolls. In other words, much of what they tend to preach and practice bears only passing resemblance to the Faith as handed down from the Apostles. I will leave it at that, since this is probably not the place for an apologetics discussion. But it explains, I think, the origin of this kerfuffle.

    And good for the heckler(s), by the way. That sort of thing, meaning the faithful standing up for Truth when our “shepherds” will not, needs to start happening everywhere, all the time.

    God bless all here.

  2. Pro abortion Catholics.

    Anti Isreal Jews.

    They are Leftists who LARP religion to try and sucker actual religious people over to the Leftist cause.

    They are false profits.

    It seems like the Catholic Church is beginning to fall for them the same way Reform Judaism seems to think the 613 Mitzvot can be found in Das Kapital.

  3. While as a Protestant, I do not acknowledge any papal authority other than as an earthly head and director of an organization of Man, I also recognize that the office requires a wisdom and servitude worthy of the lowest follower of Christ and a true belief in His teachings. I will not call any man a true pope, but I WILL call this one a false pope, for he has demonstrated a clear and willing abandonment of Christ and His Church’s purpose in favor of secular humanism and the trappings and concerns of earthly power. Like the Medicis hundreds of years before him, he is a pretender and no true shepherd of Men for God’s service.
    The Church, in all its denominations and divisions, has suffered his ilk before, from sales of indulgences to the likes of Joel Olsteen, and will suffer such again, absent the ultimate fulfillment of the final visions of John the Beloved. This is not the end of God’s Church, merely a corruption of an organization of Man pretending to speak in His name.
    Keep hope, and keep the Faith. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of David and Solomon and Josaiah, is not weaker than this man or his skin suit of false holiness. If this organization should perish, if it should not return to Him nor any others take its place, the very rocks will cry out to fill the silence.
    This is but a passing corruption, and will not, can not, last.

  4. Expect to the all the outrage about lack of civility that wasn’t triggered when Sen. Sinema was stalked and harassed into a bathroom.

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