I saw this and it made me think once again how the media manipulates the message in order to make it palatable to the majority

So they have a picture of Stormy Daniels, who jokes and all, is a high end prostitute. Even the pic does not show her like one but as a wholesome American girl next door.  Hey! Prostitution cannot be that bad if it looks like that, right?

But how about we inject a dose of reality and use the make and model of prostitute more commonly found on the streets?

All of the sudden, the idea is not that appealing for selling.

I am not talking sides on the issue, just making a point on Truth in Advertising.

Later: You know? There is a meme screaming to be created.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Why the subterfuge?”
  1. (what the media sell you)
    (pretty woman, smiling and ostensibly available)

    (what gets delivered)
    (lab report: HIV positive, Syphilis positive, gonorrhea positive, Chlamydia positive, Viral Hepatitis positive, Zika positive, Ebola positive, {insert any other blood born pathogen, including Malaria} positive…..)

    Commercial sex: the gift that keeps on giving!

      1. {citation needed}
        It wouldn’t surprise me if there were a difference between legal commercialized operations such as those in Nevada or Holland, vs. illegal street walkers. Still, it would be worth asking for the hard data.

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