Over the weekend, President Trump held a rally in Nevada.

Celebrity insane person Bette Midler decided to imply everyone there was a Klansmen without evidence.

Apparently she’s never seen an enthusiastic crowd before, which is saying something for a performer.

If you think this is the ugliest shit that was said about people who wanted to see the President, boy howdy, are you wrong.

Allow me to introduce you to someone who claims to be a teacher and former freedom rider, i.e., someone who actually worked toward expanding civil rights.



What did this person say about the Trump rally?


Holy fuck….

That is totally appropriate rhetoric for the Left.  See a bunch of people you deem less than human for whatever reason and just gas them all to death.

I’m also going to say that the specific reference to Zyklon B is grotesquely anti-Semitic, which is part and parcel with being a Progressive nowadays.

This is Progressives.  Do you support Trump?  Then you should be gassed to death in a locked room like a bunch of Untermenschen Jews.

You need more ammo.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “Your daily reminder that they hate you and want you dead – Nevada Trump rally edition”
  1. Wow!

    According to Webster, Stand to Reason (Or the nickname of our open minded teacher) means “:to be sensible or understandable”

    Yup, wishing for Zyklon-B on your political opponents fits that definition.

  2. You’d think that someone who claims to be a 60’s freedom rider (stolen valor, probably?) would know very well that the KKK is the terrorist arm of the DEMOCRAT party.

  3. RE: the last sentence in your post.
    “You need more ammo.”

    Actively workin’ on it, bro! ;-}

    Y’all take care, and keep on keepin on!

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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