NASHVILLE (AP) — A federal appeals court has ruled a ranger did not violate the rights of a man who wore camouflage and carried an AK-47-style pistol with loaded 30-round clip in a Nashville park.
Brentwood resident Leonard Embody sued Ranger Steve Ward for detaining him at the Radnor Lake State Natural area while Ward determined whether the gun was legal and whether Embody had a permit for it.
Tennessee law allows guns with barrels of less than 12 inches in state parks. Embody’s gun was a half inch under the limit.
The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati ruled against Embody today, concluding that Ward’s actions were reasonable.
The court writes that, “having worked hard to appear suspicious” Embody cannot cry foul after park rangers took the bait.
via Man who carried AK-47 pistol in Tennessee park loses appeal | The Jackson Sun |

Mr. Embody is an idiot. Correction, he is a selfish idiot with the ego of a decaying rockstar and the brains of a Beiber fan. People like him are the biggest threat States without Open Carry face when trying to pass legislation favoring that stance.
Florida is about to start again the fight for Open Carry. Our opponents will loudly say that the law will be a danger to the community because will allow irresponsible people to carry AK 47s in the street…and we will have to take it up the medial rectum because one moron in Tennessee felt he had to prove something to his diminished ego.
And yes, he had the right to carry his Draco but no, he did not have the right to screw it up for the rest of us. No, he is not a fighter for the Second Amendment cause, if he was basic logic would indicate that his actions would be used as media ammunition against gun owners and, in case somebody still have not noticed, traditional media remains staunchly anti-gun. Mr. Embody’s inability to see past his need for 15 minutes of fame makes him more of a CSGV loon than anything else. You Do Not Give Ammo To The Enemy!
Mr. Embody’s thank you letter from Brady should be forthcoming. Do not expect one from me or millions of other Gun Owners.
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