Month: October 2012

CSGV: Learn Law, Learn English and Be Less Violent.

Just fresh off the Facebook:

So, if you print a gun with your printer (since they are not being specific about being a 3D printing) you are suddenly breaking the law?

So here is me breaking the law according to the Cult to Stop Gun Rights Violence:

Printed gun! ZOMG!

Next, on the question if it is legal to build your own gun:

(A6) Does the GCA prohibit anyone from making a handgun, shotgun or rifle?

With certain exceptions a firearm may be made by a non-licensee provided it is not for sale and the maker is not prohibited from possessing firearms. However, a person is prohibited from assembling a non-sporting semi-automatic rifle or non-sporting shotgun from imported parts. In addition, the making of an NFA firearm requires a tax payment and approval by ATF. An application to make a machine gun will not be approved unless documentation is submitted showing that the firearm is being made for a Federal or State agency.

[18 U.S.C. 922(o) and (r), 26 U.S.C. 5822, 27 CFR 478.39, 479.62 and 479.105]

So CSGV can shut its pie hole on that aspect.

And why is Daddy Goddard so violent? Shameful that he is wishing that somebody meets a Violent Gun Death; I thought he was against Gun Violence.

GFZ: The Contest!

You may already have seen the infamous photo of yours ugly truly with the poster:

No, you are not getting the poster, I am keeping it plus I already ordered a frame for it. But you can get an “genui-nine” version of the poster in decal mode for your car, bike or wherever your significant other allows you to.

Five stickers for five winners. The rules are convoluted; why? because I say so.

1) You must not have attended the GRPC 2012. If you did  and did not get one, it is your fault.
2) You need to submit a picture of yourself carrying either (concealed or open) in front or very nearby a posted Gun Free Zone. Under NO circumstance you are to break the law. The sticker alone will not pay for your bail and neither will I.
3) With the picture, send me a note of your equipment and some short lines about why you carry and/or your opinion on Gun Free Zones.
4) Don’t blur your face. If you do not want your face to appear, be creative with either a prop or cropping the picture. I can do the cropping if you want to.
5) At least one sticker will go to a Dragon Lady. Preference goes to readers of the blog and then to Significant Others/Mothers/Sisters/Girlfriends, etc.
6) I will select the winners on my criteria alone which is….for me to know and you to find out. OK, the ones I like the most.
7) Contest will run until October 31st at midnight. That means Halloween Costume Carry is valid…. God have mercy on me.
8) One photo per person please. Send your submissions to miguel AT gunfreezone DOT net. I will publish the winners on November 1st here in the blog. Winners will be asked to provide me with a mailing address so I can mail the stickers.

That’ll be all. Keep Calm & Carry.

CSGV and an interesting choice of word.

The “making a gun at home” outrage is now making the rounds amongst the Gun Control crowd. They are about 5 years or so too late since it was commonplace among AK enthusiasts to buy a parts kit, an AK flat (a piece of flat metal cut and drilled which later could be bent and heat treated thus becoming an AK receiver) and assemble your own rifle. It still had to follow the provision is ATF 992R and even parties were thrown where people got together and rented the necessary tools to bend the receivers (the owner of the receiver was the one that had to do the bending otherwise it would be illegal) and assemble the rifles. ATF put a skosh on that when it prohibited the importation of kits with barrels in 2005. Available barrels from overseas went from $65 to over $200 almost overnight and that is if you can find one. Tell me again about government regulations helping middle class & the poor.

The Gun Control crowd loves to characterize Gun Owners as a bunch of uneducated rednecks so it must have shocked the hell out of them when one of them rednecks actually created a functional AR-Type firearm from a 3D printer. I love when they keep underestimating us.

The Cult to Stop Gun Rights Violence is happy that a similar effort was stopped when the company that leased the 3D printer reclaimed it. But that is not even the interesting part of CSGV’s post but the choice of one particular word:

According to Merriam-Webster:

Reclaim: to demand or obtain the return of. To recall from wrong or improper conduct.

Confiscate: appropriated by the government.

And one more definition:
Freudian Slip: an inadvertent mistake in speech or writing that is thought to reveal a person’s unconscious motives, wishes, or attitudes.

Need I say more?

A True Tale of a Bunny Shooter

Go ahead and read the article first.

Between The Berms: A Case Of Sportsmanship | Shooting Wire.

I have the great pleasure and honor to know Toni. He is one of those natural shooters that put tons of work on his craft and makes him a great shooter. The article is no exaggeration, Toni has no rock-star ego anywhere in his DNA .

To say he is effervescent is putting it mildly. If Toni is somewhere near, you will hear him and laugh at whatever antic he is involved in at that particular second. If you get to talk to him for more than 5 minutes, you are his friend and be ready for the next time he sees you to be greeted by a loud “Honey Bunny!” and a hug.

He is only serious when on the line and right after the Safety Officer says “Load and Make Ready.” After that, be ready to see him blaze through a stage and miss very little if anything. He shoots with an economy of effort and movement that will scare you. Once he is done, the gun is cleared and in the holster, he will give himself about 30 seconds of self-analysis, maybe a frown if he did something not to his liking and the he will revert to his normal self up and including mocking the poor performance on his part that us earthlings would consider the best shooting we could ever hope to achieve.

Unfortunately as John Ross said in his book, some people run on envy and being a nice guy plus a great shooter made him & makes him the target of petty jealous souls so I am sure there will be some upcoming negative crap about him coming up soon enough in the interwebs. And he will do what he always does: Laugh it off, grab you by the arm and say: “Let’s go shooting!”

No, you really don’t want to know. And you don’t want him near driving an ATV either.
Toni at the IDPA Triple Crown, Frostproof , Fl.

GRPC: Thoughts and you may not like them all.

.I will admit that this will probably my first and last GRPC and allow me to explain why: To have this great line up of speakers and only assign 10-15 minutes per person is a crime. I like the fact I got to meet other bloggers and readers of my blog, but I went there for the information and that limited amount of time forces the speaker to do a “tweet” version of what could be a great exposition. I could have gone all day if it was just John Lott, Eric Friday Jon Gutmacher and Mark O’Mara on the stage about Florida’s Self Defense and Stand Your Ground laws plus a Q&A after they were done. I know it is a limited focus that might not interest everybody but then again many non-Floridians watched with all the attention they could muster for that hour.

The Second Amendment Foundation are top at what they do but are about 10 years behind schedule regarding new media, their website itself is a good example. The conference format as it stands now is obsolete and expensive to maintain. I did not mind the meet-and-greet with fellow activists, but the point is to spread the word to many people as possible more than any cocktail party. To put it mildly, they are still on AOL Free Trial Period.

Don’t get me wrong, a conference where you can get the best and brightest together is a darn good thing, but I felt shortchanged as I expected more time with each speaker. I generally went the smart way picking and choosing which speakers I wanted to hear. I can’t stand still for too long in crowded situations, specially if the subject matter is not something I care about. I understand that what’s going on in the UN is important, but it just does not catch my interest as much as a discussion about Carry & Self Defense laws.

I’d think that a mixed format that includes new media would be a great solution. Keep the conference but have panels on subjects that people can go to and spend more than 15 minutes listening to a speaker. You will also have to reduce the number of speakers to give them time or run panels parallel to each other while letting people decide which one they want to attend. The mixture of a live & present audience with the ones attending from home will be the best of both worlds in my opinion.

Most importantly, use the power of the internet to spread the message. One word: Webinar. Imagine how many extra people could the SAF reach if the conference was available at the click of a mouse. And few people would mind paying for it, I sure as heck wouldn’t mind. My expenses for the trip (I drove) were close to $350 and I wouldn’t mind paying $100-$125 if I could listen and interact with the speakers from the comfort of my home for 2 days.

SAF admitted during the conference that they were behind on social media and the internet. More than behind, I’d call it being blissfully unaware as some (many) gun bloggers are commenting about something that happened during the conference.  SAF mustn’t be afraid to ask for help from the new generation, the experts on the cyber battlefields. Besides it will leave the old heads with the time to concentrate on more legal battles and prepare the next generation of Second Amendment barristers.

“Evolve or Die”
Carved note found near a fossil of a dinosaur.


Homeowner shoots robbery suspect during attempted home invasion robbery | News – Home

One suspect was hit and taken to Memorial Regional Hospital in serious condition. “I feel safer living next to him,” said next door neighbor Michael Wilson. “So if anything happens to us, I’ll make sure to call him.”

via Homeowner shoots robbery suspect during attempted home invasion robbery | News – Home.

Sometimes a story will provide you with an object lesson. First kudos to the homeowner who was able to thwart the home invasion but please, don’t open the door unless you are really sure there is no danger outside. From the pic I think the doors open to the outside (usual in South Florida) so it was not like the bad guys could kick it down easily.

About Mr. Wilson comments; apparently he did not figure out that when the criminals come with evil intention, you will have no time to call anybody, being your neighbor or 911. Either that or he is a wee bit lazy for his own good & safety.


UPDATE: The bad guys cut the power to the house before attempting to go in.