Month: October 2012

Stand Your Ground is Bad: Immunity from Civil Suits.

We have heard something along these lines:

“Because, you know we are letting them gun nuts get away with everything, right? They should be sued by the families or the victim of their inconsiderate attacks!”

You might remember the story of 90-year-old Jay Leone who was shot in the face inside his house by a burglar and then turned tables on the attacker and shot him back. Well, Samuel Cutrufelli (A.K.A The guy who got shot by an old man) is now suing Mr. Leone for causing him “great bodily injury, and other financial damage, including loss of Mr. Cutrufelli’s home, and also the dissolution of Mr. Cutrufelli’s marriage.”

These are the things that make you think: “somebody should step up, slap some sense of shame on the idiot and send him to the homeless shelter.”  Mr. Leone is planning on counter-suing and I figure there will me more than one lawyer willing to take the case pro-bono just to do some legal slapping on his/her own.

And Gun Control activists get all miffed when you tell them they are Pro Criminals after all. The truth hurts.


NY Times knows history as good as knows guns.

He was unwittingly walking onto a legal landscape reshaped by laws that have given homeowners new leeway to use force inside their own homes.

via ‘Castle’ Law at Issue After Fatal Montana Shooting –

The concept of Castle Doctrine first appears in England in 17th Century, so we are talking some three hundred plus years of existence already. Now this being the New York Times, a newspaper that commands certain power to do research by a simple phone call, has what i suspect a decent-sized legal department (with the amount of BS they print, trying to stay within the “Absence of Malice” guidelines must be a 24 hour job) and worst-case scenario, I imagine they have internet access and even Wikipedia bookmarked between Walking Nude MILFs and Wild Wet Wenches. So how come Jack Healy chose to insinuate Castle Doctrine is something new?  Must be that Artistic License I hear so much about applied directly to politics. And it is not something new, we saw that already with Stand Your Ground Laws being referenced as something the NRA created in 2005 while in fact SYG has been recognized by the Supreme Court since 1895.

So we either have laziness, idiocy or purposefulness in writing something that is not true and they are paying with diminished readership, having to fire personnel and needing to be bailed out by Carlos Slim, the man that brought you the Obamaphones.

One nice little package if you ask me.

CSGV: Because we care for Abused Women…..under a specific set of circumstances.

They hypocrisy of “caring” by the Cult to Stop Gun Rights Violence never ceases to amaze me. To twist the serious issue of Domestic Abuse & death just to conform it to their little political agenda while disregarding a majority of victims should make anybody’s stomach churn with disgust. You could say they behave like some sort of fanatical Death Panel for Gun Control.


The Commander in Chief apparently does not know about Horse Soldiers.

Friday, October 19th, is 11 years to the day since US Army Special Operations Horse Soldiers joined the Northern Alliance under the cover of snow and darkness to roust the Taliban from their strongholds following the 9/11 attacks. Today, 200 war heroes – including those who first parachuted into the Afghan mountains – will gather at the WTC Memorial to rededicate the monumental bronze statue of the Horse Soldier, which is fittingly placed watching over the WTC Memorial.

via 200 Horse Soldiers Who Toppled The Taliban After 9/11 Convene In NYC From As Far Afield As Afghanistan – PR Newswire – The Sacramento Bee.

I think I never got around to review the book Horse Soldiers. It is an amazing tale of Special Forces personnel taking on the Taliban right after 9/11 with not much more than maps, a GPS, a rifle and all on horseback. And they kicked Taliban ass till they gave up.

And I am pretty sure they had bayonets too.




Azana Salon banned concealed-carry weapons

A sign on the door of the Azana Salon & Spa in Brookfield bans those entering from carrying concealed weapons. That means customers or employees who were following the law would be barred from having weapons. Radcliffe Haughton entered the salon Sunday and killed his wife and two other women and shot four others before killing himself.

via Azana Salon banned concealed-carry weapons.

Once again, when anybody follows the recommendations of the Anti Gun Crowd, people die.

God bless the Florida Legislature for making those signs superfluous.


Laditte to CSGV: “Say isn’t so Josh!”

Ms. Stein is distraught that Josh said he had no problem with Knob Creek, even when we all know he lied through his teeth. Still, CSGV should apologize to its followers for inflicting such emotional pain or come out and say the “eeeeevil NRA” hacked their Facebook page and posted such ludicrous statement.

And oh yes, I did notice the continuation of the “gun Owners are insurrectionists and Traitors to the Government” meme. I haven’t found yet where in the Constitution or the US Code explains the idea of “Treason to the Government.” I have found it in countries under dictatorship, but you would not think that the Cult to Stop Gun Rights Violence is advocating that the U.S. of A. should become a dictatorship for the safety of its citizens, do you?

Also take a couple of minutes to check this article by Kurt Hoffman “CSGV director worries more about political ideology than about machine guns.” and also follow the guy. He is probably one of the few persons that has his bell ringing louder than mine about the cult-like fanatism of CSGV