Month: November 2013

Moms Demand Action: The Kennedy Assassination Shrill. (UPDATES)

Of course, they could not stay away from it. But leave it to its followers to screw things up.

MDA Kennedy1For the heck of it, I checked how much $12.78 would be in today’s economy. It came out to $96.52 or the price of another import easily available anywhere: Mosin-Nagant rifle.

We can see that MDA still engages in Reasoned Discourse by deleting posts from what they n ow call Gun Bullies and the followers have no problem engaging in name-calling either. But you have to admit that Jeffrey Wilson’s post was the best till that time.

I’ll keep an eye on them today. I am sure there will be more goodies coming.


MDA Kennedy2Death to “Gun Trolls.” Why are Anti Gunners so violent?

MDA Kennedy3Stephanie dear, Sandy Hook, Aurora & Columbine are prime examples of Gun Free Zones, the premier victim-generating Gun Control Law of the land. But that would be too much for you to grasp.

MDA Kennedy4Now you see Cesar Avalos….

MDA Kennedy5I am sure Tracey saw a NatGeo show about Somalia and now she is an expert on Warlords and how they managed to massacre armed people all over Somalia….wait… they were unarmed and if not shot, they were starved to death because the Warlords and their armed followers stole the food sent at gun point and without opposition.

And I saw this posted somewhere:

President Kennedy with an evil assault weapon!

If you ain’t cheating…..

….your tactics suck.

Take this example and use it in a self-defense situation. When your life is on the line, you do not adhere to rules of fairness, you do what you need to win. The attacker was expecting a reaction, got another completely different and his mental preparedness hit a wall to which he had no immediate response. This gave his opponent enough time to counter and win…and add insult to injury.


So Moms Demand Action lied about Staples.

I almost feel guilty about faxing the store.

Caller: “I’ve been hearing reports about your store, the particular location, enacting a gun prohibition policy?”

Store: “Yeah, that was a misquote on Facebook. We never had a sign up… They put it in there, and we are trying to get it taken down… But we don’t have that sign on the store… They put a bunch of information on Facebook that wasn’t accurate.“

via Moms Demand Action caught lying… Again! | Hypocrisy and Stupidity of Gun Control Advocates (click on the link to hear a recording of the conversation).

And Bob Owens went one further:

To cut through the chaff, I called Staples corporate offices to ask them about how they handle store weapons policies. Specifically, I wanted to know whether individual store managers had the authority to make these sorts of policy changes on a store-by-store basis, or if the chain directs stores to comply with state laws.


I also asked them about this specific incident.


According to Staples, their corporate policy is to follow applicable laws in the states in which they operate, which is a standard followed by the majority of retailers of every kind. Individual Staples stores and their managers do not have, and have never had, the authority to set more restrictive policies on their own.


In the specific instance of the Arlington, VA Staples store in question, the manager did not post signs prohibiting legal carry of firearms, and did not even verbally agree to post signs  prohibiting the legal carry of firearms to the best of corporate’s knowledge.

Put in the plainest possible terms, store managers do not have the authority to change corporate policy on a whim, and Moms Demand Action is not only being deceptive in their claims, they are also wasting their time as they descend up stores in groups and attempt to bully unfortunate store managers into compliance with their prohibitionist views

Gun Control Activists: If their cause is so righteous, why do they need to lie?

Because a Peanut Butter and Jelly Enchilada is Stupid.

“Take the peanut butter sandwich, a seemingly innocent example a teacher used in a lesson last school year,” the Tribune said.

“What about Somali or Hispanic students, who might not eat sandwiches?” Gutierrez asked. “Another way would be to say: ‘Americans eat peanut butter and jelly, do you have anything like that?’ Let them tell you. Maybe they eat torta. Or pita.”

via Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich is Racist, Says Portland School Official.

I have the belief that the great and real melting pot is only achieved by food. It is primal and you either like or don’t but does not rise to major stupidity levels till now.

As Hispanic with direct heritage from Spain, I actually almost feel insulted by the Gutierrez Moron. I am guessing she has no knowledge of the Bocadillo which is what Spaniards call the sandwich and it usually involves lots of chorizo and/or serrano ham (like prosciutto) . In Venezuela, the equivalent of the steak Sandwich is called Pepito and has many other names if you keep going south. Roasted pork, ham, swiss cheese, mustard and pickles between .two halves of Cuban bread is the good old Cuban Sandwich. Sliced roast beef (loin or rump roast), mozzarella cheese, sliced tomato and pickles topped with salt and dried oregano inside a hollowed-out French bread roll id what Brazilians call Bauru. Peru’s Pan con Chicharron is fried pork with slices of fried sweet potato and salsa criolla, a type of onion relish on crusty French roll.

Verenice Gutierrez should be sent back to school or at least sit her down and Google Latin American Sandwiches before she is even allowed to interact with children again. And remove her membership to Taco Bell’s Customer of the Month Club.


Josh Sugarmann’s Faux Kennedy Exploitation Outrage

A twitter exchange I caught some minutes ago:

VPC Kennedy 3“How does the NRA dare to use the name of Kennedy?” That seems to be the theme of Josh’s article in the HuffingPo. As example, he provides us with a picture of an ad for Kennedy Silver Dollars that appeared in the December issue of American Rifleman (the ad also appeared in other NRA magazines.)

VPC Kennedy 2Now, fellow @greenmeanie1 does raise the objection that nowhere in the posted picture of the ad, the words “commemorating fifty years” as Josh posted in his article appear and he is right.

VPC Kennedy 1But he is also wrong because, you see, that is not the whole ad. It has been cropped to leave “commemorating fifty years” out. Why was cropping necessary? Picture size issues perhaps?

Here is the FULL AD and shows that indeed the words “commemorating fifty years” were used….

VPC Kennedy 4But let’s have a close up, shall we?

VPC Kennedy 5You don’t think that the cropping of the ad had to do with…. nah! Anti Gunners engaging in lies, dishonesty and deception? Nevah!



teddyFrom Theodore Roosevelt’s autobiography:

“It was late in the evening when I reached the place. I heard one or two shots in the bar-room as I came up, and I disliked going in. But there was nowhere else to go, and it was a cold night. Inside the room were several men, who, including the bartender, were wearing the kind of smile worn by men who are making believe to like what they don’t like. A shabby individual in a broad hat with a cocked gun in each hand was walking up and down the floor talking with strident profanity. He had evidently been shooting at the clock, which had two or three holes in its face.

…As soon as he saw me he hailed me as ‘Four Eyes,’ in reference to my spectacles, and said, ‘Four Eyes is going to treat.’ I joined in the laugh and got behind the stove and sat down, thinking to escape notice. He followed me, however, and though I tried to pass it off as a jest this merely made him more offensive, and he stood leaning over me, a gun in each hand, using very foul language… In response to his reiterated command that I should set up the drinks, I said, ‘Well, if I’ve got to, I’ve got to,’ and rose, looking past him.

As I rose, I struck quick and hard with my right just to one side of the point of his jaw, hitting with my left as I straightened out, and then again with my right. He fired the guns, but I do not know whether this was merely a convulsive action of his hands, or whether he was trying to shoot at me. When he went down he struck the corner of the bar with his head… if he had moved I was about to drop on my knees; but he was senseless. I took away his guns, and the other people in the room, who were now loud in their denunciation of him, hustled him out and put him in the shed.”

Teddy’s trademark expression was “Bully!” which he used to punctuate just about any good news or idea that came across him.

He was a sickish kid but upon encouragement from his father, took up sports to cure his asthma, learned to box  and participated in boxing matches at Harvard in which he could not see past his hands (but was a feared boxer nonetheless.)
young-teddy-rooseveltBullies will always exist, that is a fact of life that we will either learn or suffer the ignorance. And you can try all the New Age/Flower Child methods or go for the sure cure: Confront & Defeat.

The rest is just Unicorn Farts…