Month: November 2013

Trayvon’s Amendment…. Somebody’s kid is having fun at College

The 28th Amendment is the new troll- website against Gun Ownership. I read its proposals and I had a good laugh!

The address given is for Washington University in Missouri and the contact email is…sure signs that some idiotic freshman or sophomore had a wee bit too much medical marihuana. 

Dear StabaGunNut, save yourself the aggravation and just ask for the elimination of the Bill Of Rights. It will be cheaper and easier in the very long and long run.

OK, enough time wasted on this thing.

Seriously, the contradiction does not register in their brains.

NGVAC campus shootings

It happened at least seven times this month–gun scares on US college campuses. Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, was locked down for hours on Friday while Muncie police and Indiana State Police troopers searched four buildings on the 700-acre, 100-building campus. Junior Krystal Palmer, an art education major from Ohio, told the Associated Press she had been locked in a classroom during the gun emergency. On the same day, the library at Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts was evacuated when a man entered with the butt of an apparent gun sticking out of his backpack.

via 7 Campuses Have Gun Scares This Month–Parents Do You Want Guns Allowed on Your Child’s College Campus? « Gun Victims Action Council.

I did a quick check.
Ball State University: No weapons allowed.
Northern Illinois University: “Students may not have or keep any firearm on their persons, in their quarters, or in their motor vehicles at any time while on university property except with the permission of the chief security officer of the university.”
Central Connecticut State University: “We follow the State’s Zero Tolerance Policy for workplace violence and weapons on State property.”
Indiana University: No weapons allowed.
Wingate University: Unable to find ANY info on student or employee behavior.
A&T State University: No weapons allowed.

So the geniuses of the National Gun Victims Action Council ridicule the idea of students having to defend themselves:

“Currently, gun lovers are beating their chests about two Gonzaga University students who allegedly staved off a homeless man at their off-campus Spokane apartment by displaying their illegally kept firearm.” (note: the homeless man was a six time convicted felon)

But apparently people with guns and bad intentions are coming in freely those the campuses even when a strict policy is in place.

Their reasoning? Parents won’t spend money on campuses where the kids can have firearms to defend themselves. Because, you know, parents do not care if their kids are safe, just how much it costs to pay for college.



Michael Bane & Regulating the Second Amendment.

This week, Michael talks about the so called reasonable dialog on the regulation of the second amendment triggered by last week’s Internet Blowout regarding Dick Metcalf’s column in Guns & Ammo

via Down Range Radio #341: Regulating the Second Amendment | Down Range TV.

Go listen what Michael Bane has to say about the kerfuffle. And heed his words.  For me that pretty much closes the whole Metcalf affair.

Armed Robbery at a Cell Phone Store.

Interesting video:

I love these kind of videos as they are great learning tools to prepare you in case you are faced with a similar situation. Armed robber goes into a Cell Phone store where two employees are working. He submits them a gun point, gets cash and leaves. There are two camera angles and they yield great info.

First: Beretta 92 or clone. Cocked & finger on trigger.
0 cell phone 1This is basically disaster waiting to happen. One loud noise, one startled robber and a bullets goes out the barrel.

The employees do the smart thing and just drop the cash on the counter.

0 cell phone 2Some falls to the ground and the bad guy, very obligingly goes after it.

0 cell phone 3Twice….

0 cell phone 4The bad guy loses control of the victims for some 3+ seconds.  That is plenty of time to do something if properly trained.

0 cell phone 5If you have quick access to an exit, even if it only leads to a back room with a door you can lock behind (red arrow), you may want to take it.

But we also have another person, in this case a pregnant woman with no obvious access to a safe area. We do still have an armed criminal on the store and the possibility that he may not want to leave witnesses behind or just shoot for the hell of it. Again, three seconds is a long time if somewhat properly trained with a firearm and mentally ready to do what needs to be done.
Here is a classic self-defense video. Robbery at a Motel 8 in Columbus OH, 2006.

And here you will find the news item and the comments of the employee. More lessons to be learned there.

Feel free to add your thoughts.

Remington moving to the Volunteer State?

Now there is concern about the future of the Remington plant in Ilion, a Mohawk River town just east of Utica. It employs 1,300 people, making it the state’s largest gun maker.

In May, Remington posted a statement on Facebook criticizing the state’s new gun law as misguided and unconstitutional. It raised the possibility the company would relocate, although it said it would not do so “without considerable thought and deliberation.”

Since then, there have been media reports out of Tennessee that Remington officials have scouted possible sites near Nashville for a plant.

A shutdown of the Remington facility would deal a harsh blow to the struggling upstate economy and represent the end of an era.

via Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s new gun-control law targets gun makers – NY Daily News.

Almost 200 years of tradition down the drain because of petty idiots. At this rate and with gun companies moving away from the North east, give it a couple of decades and we can have another Civil War knowing that we have the manufacturing capabilities this time ..hehehe.

(cue enraged Libs calling me Insurrectionists in 5…4…3…)

Uranium People.

I keep seeing this FAKE ad and I am getting a wee bit tired that some in our camp will actually believe the Bradys would be stupid enough to come up with stuff like that.
Brady Rape FakeWhoever was the creator of this idiocy needs to shut down whatever version of photoshop he has and play Candy Crush or Farmville.

But what really ticked me off yesterday was somebody who actually defended it saying it accurately portrayed what the Bradys want. After trying to explain why this ad is more hurtful to us than the opposition, the gentleman still refused to budge. Right there I came up with the term Uranium People: Dangerously irradiating and too frigging dense to change or even understand what they do is hurtful to our cause.

It is THEIR side the one that has to resort to lies and misdirection to achieve their goals. It is their side the ones that makes outlandish accusations about our lifestyle. It is the artistic community on their side that create bigoted versions of what we look like, how we dress and how we behave… and that is find and dandy with me because lies is the best ammunition we have to shut them down.

We must remember that we are not trying to convince the Opposition that their ways are wrong; they are too mentally entrenched to change and they will rather die or we die than admit they are wrong. Our real target are those who have not made a final decision or may not even be aware of the fight for they can be recruited.

We are fighting without the benefit of an extensive media or even big coffers where we can dip and counter their propaganda on even terms. What we have  is the Truth and the stats to prove it plus the relentless determination of millions of activists, the true grassroots. But all that can be destroyed in a 2 minute TV mention of a fake ad by the evil Gun Nuts who disrespected not only a poor man condemned in a wheelchair but raped women everywhere. And only if we lose 10 people to their side, those are 10 people who would have come to OUR side but instead we let them walk because some silly bullshit by somebody with more time in the computer than actual functioning brain cells.

As I told the gentleman about his assertion that the ad was “fake but accurate.”

If I recall, Dan Rather said something along those lines. I also recall it did not do any good to his credibility and it achieved the opposite of what he was looking for.

Unintended consequences are a bitch. Don’t be Uranium, please?