What if the Founding Fathers Saw Newtown? – The Daily Beast
In a home built 45 years before the Second Amendment, six scared kids hid after their teacher and 20 classmates were shot dead. Our nation’s fathers would be weeping with the angels.
via What if the Founding Fathers Saw Newtown? – The Daily Beast.
And immediately after they would find the idiots that proposed the Gun Free Schools bill, have them tarred & feather and sent away to live their lives in shame for the pain they created…or get the noose over a tall branch.
Specter, Simon, Feinstein, Bradley, Lautenberg, Chafee, Kerrey, Biden, Hatch, Thurmond, Simpson, and Kennedy were the sponsors of the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1995. A couple are no longer with us but the rest deserve our contempt at the highest degree.
Each and every one of the above are the first batch that get their hands bloodied every time a preventable school shooting has happened. But instead they are hailed as heroes and bask on the recognition by the media and assorted gun control bottom lickers.
I find amazing that the chickens have no problem with the idiots that ordered the hen-house be left open and the dog sent away.
Gruppenfuhrer Bloomberg prepares for 2014
Going back to the AP article, the executive director of Bloomberg’s “Mayors Against Illegal Guns,” some of whose several hundred mayors have not yet been convicted of serious crimes (and don’t forget the racists), has a warning for Americans:
“In 2012, the mayor spent about $10 million or so dipping his toe in the water. I guess we’ll find out what the whole foot looks like in 2014,” said Mark Glaze, Mayors Against Illegal Guns’ executive director.
via MAIG director threatens America with Bloomberg’s ‘whole foot’ – St. Louis gun rights | Examiner.com.
I wonder why the first image that came to mind after reading Mark Glaze’s comment was this:
Remember when Wayne LaPierre said:
“…the semiauto-auto ban gives jack-booted government thugs more power to take away our constitutional rights, break in our doors, seize our guns, destroy our property, and even injure or kill us.”
Apparently not only he was right as New York is in a full firearm confiscation mode, but it now expands to the private sector when Reinhard Bloomberg ends his turn at the throne of NYC.
Notice to MAIG: We will be playing Punji Pit, Toe Poppers and Bouncing Bettys to your incoming foot.
Book Review: Brushfire Plague: Reckoning.
The second book of the trilogy and I was not disappointed. I liked first Brushfire Plague book because it was not the usual super-macho-prepper-takes-on-the-world but a regular guy who was subject to a sudden steep learning curve on what to do when the world decides to go Tango Uniform and as he learns, we (hopefully) learn. Reckoning is fast-paced and leaves you wanting for more. I read it in a 7-hour stretch with the occasional break for those things that shall not be mentioned…and food intake too.
Reckoning keeps on that line but also adds two very important things: Actions have consequences and you better learn how to deal and live with them and that when people are under extreme pressure and emotions, they will either do the most gallant of things of behave in the most callous of manners. This is Cooper Adams’ learning curve in this book and a cautionary tell for the reader: Your true friends will be few in numbers, allies will turn on you and perceived enemies once in a while will surprise you with a small dash of kindness that will probably will not be repeated.
How much “old” morality can we afford when the World has lost its own? Is there a balance between doing the right thing versus doing what is necessary to survive, specially when there is no balance out there? Are you willing to pay the price that comes with either position.
That in my opinion is the fundamental premise in Brushfire Fire: Reckoning.
And repainting the Blog.
I went with a new theme for the blog. I think it looks cleaner and better, but according to my wife I have the taste of a Hun.
Comments please!