Month: March 2014

S.C. Rep. Harold Mitchell: “Don’t believe the hype” (Actually we don’t believe you.)

South Carolina Representative Harold Mitchel penned a letter to the editor saying that people were wrong about his bill:

Recently, I introduced H.4801 to correct one portion of state law that is being abused. The goal of my bill is to return to a more traditional standard concerning lethal force in self-defense.

Much of what has been said about my bill in recent news articles, media headlines and conservative radio talk shows has been false and misleading. Headlines using language like “Bill Would Repeal ‘Stand Your Ground’ ” and referring to “SC Gun Law” have misled voters and elected officials.

via Sunday’s letters: Don’t believe the hype |

So I go to the bill he introduced and what do I find?

(C)    A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in another place where he has a right to be, including, but not limited to, his place of business, has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his ground and meet force with force, including deadly force, if he reasonably believes it is necessary to prevent death or great bodily injury to himself or another person or to prevent the commission of a violent crime as defined in Section 16-1-60.

In case you never seen this particular way of writing, in a proposed bill, any section that is “strikethrough” means it is to be removed from the law if approved. Underlined means to be added to existing law.

So, Rep. Mitchell’s bill actually kills Stand Your Ground but in his “twirly” little mind he swears it does not.  How does people like him live with their head held high? Oh yes.. no shame.


This is what Gun Control looks like in real life.

Twenty-year-old Yakiri was incarcerated in December for killing Miguel Angel Hernandez Anaya, who she says – along with his brother Luis Omar – kidnapped her, took her to a hotel, then stabbed and raped her. In a moment of struggle, Yakiri turned the knife on Hernandez Anaya, cutting his throat. He died later that same day. When Rubio went to the police to report the rape, she was charged with murder and held without bail. Those charges were reduced this week.

via Mexican woman jailed for murder after killing her alleged rapist in self-defense.

“But Miguel, damn it! She did not use a gun! Why do you call it Gun Control?”

Because if you have not figured out by now that Gun Controls is not about guns but about control, you need to wake the hell up and in a hurry. To have compliant subjects, they need them at the mercy of two elements: The State and the Criminals.

If a Government cannot control the possession of firearms, it makes its use, even something as basic as using them for self-defense, a crime.  The result is that you will be so concerned with the aftermath of an attack that you rather take your chances with the criminal than the State. And when you demand that the State step up and do what they are supposed to do which is to ensure your safety, they will respond in the affirmative in exchange for a bit more of you dwindling freedoms.

Ms. Yakiri will in all probability be set free, but the lesson has already been taught and absorbed by the rest of the population: We Are The Government and We Have The Monopoly On Defense and Violence. You shut up and hope the rapist uses a condom or is disease-free and lets you live.

The tool is not the important part, it is the self-reliance mindset that needs to be brought under control.  And that is why the Second Amendment is so thoroughly hated.

So what happens when Elite Warriors are sent back in time?

Alexander’s Bridge is a movie project by Panteao Productions in which a team of Army Delta Force Operators travel back in time and find themselves in the middle of the Civil War.

I am a sucker for Time Travel (big Quantum Leap fan) and one of the most understated movies of all times in my opinion was The Final Countdown where the USS Nimtz finds itself around Pearl Harbor just before the Japanese attack.

Panteao Production is doing the Indiegogo fund collection thing.  The name must be familiar to gun owners as they have one of the longest and coolest line of firearms training videos anywhere featuring the best of instructors in our field.

If you can help with the movie, do so.  Act of Valor was budgeted at $12 million, criticized and poopoed by the “experts and ended up grossing over $70 million. Hurt Locker, Oscar winner and delight of the critics only grossed $17 million.  Good war movies made by good people make money and do not insult warriors or ourselves.

And enjoy this clip from The Final Countdown:

Sad Shannon is Sad. Bad Bullies were Mean.

Moms Shannon bullied Sad


“I think the behavior of some of the committee members was a little over the top,” said Rep. Terri Austin, D-Anderson. “They were disrespectful to those expressing concerns. Bullying doesn’t just occur in schools.”

So what was that deplorable behavior that some mean committee members engaged in? Were they making fun of her looks? Her clothing? Called her bad names? pushed her around? Shoved her in a locker?

Nope here is what happened according to the

It got especially heated when Zionsville mother Shannon Watts, of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, testified.

For every statistic she used, Lucas countered from a book he carried. For every statement she made on mass shootings, another lawmaker would refute.

Lucas even pointed out her maiden name and read a list of her previous jobs to note her expertise in media and marketing.

So Shannon Watts get challenged on GMO “facts”, refuted and asked about her past employment and she complains she was bullied.  Somehow she is so saintly, so “morally” above the rest of the peasants and even legislators that she is not to be bothered with such minutiae as the truth?

Truth & Full Disclosure: The New Bully Technique.

Or as someone said: Like turning the lights on and see the cockroaches run and hide.

Hat Tip to @ReviveLiberty

Because it is not bad when they do it.

Asked if he could outspend the National Rifle Association and other opponents of gun control measures, Bloomberg casually replied, “Oh sure.” But then added, “I’m not the only funder of this.”
While he has been critical of Congress for being unduly influenced by political contributions from the tobacco industry and other special interests, Bloomberg, whose net worth is an estimated $33 billion, according to Forbes magazine, dodged a question about whether he should be considered a “special interest group.” He says it’s his right under the Constitution to support the candidates and issues he chooses.
“We have the Second Amendment which gives you the right to bear arms. You also have the First Amendment which gives you the right to say what you wanna say,” Bloomberg said. “I think shame on me if I didn’t use the money I was lucky enough to make to make the world a better place.”

via Katie Couric and Michael Bloomberg – Yahoo News.

It is lovely to see them fighting the windmills they built themselves. Even though the Media will nod their heads and go along with the hypocrisy, I believe that most people won’t. It may not be a decisive factor as in “That’s it! I am not going to support what he is peddling” but it will register in their minds and it will be a factor in the future.

You close the casket one nail at the time.

Weird Gun of the Day: Star Machine Pistol

Found this one in Spain’s Guardia Civil website:

Star Machine Pistol


Star Machine Pistol 2


Tried to look for more info about it but other than identifying it as a PD model manufactured in the 1930s, there was nothing out there.  the magazine appears to have a 32 round capacity which makes me think it was a 9mm (either 9×19 or 9×21) and in the tradition of the Luger, you could store the gun inside the stock. Where you could store the magazine? No idea.