Month: March 2014

Five Guns I’ll Never Own

I’ve seen this meme going around and it is interesting. No particular order of dislike…

5) Chiappa Rhino
350px-Chiappa_Firearms_RHINOI don’t care how innovative, recoil-less or any other adjective you can give it: It is just plain ugly. If I had to use it in a defensive situation, I feel I would have to apologize to the criminal for adding insult to injury.

4) Smith & Wesson 500
sw 500Shot one once, it was not fun and I am not a recoil wuss. Other than “Ma! I have one!” I don’t see its usage for urban/suburban areas.

3) Mossberg Persuader
moss persuaderProbably too many bad movies and episodes of Miami Vice has set me against this one.

2) Tokarev
TokarevUgly, unbalanced & unfriendly which also defines the Soviets and the KGB.

1) French MAS Model 1936 
French MAS Model 1936This one was a toss up with the Enfield.  At the end, my francophobia won.


Editorial: Stand your ground isn’t about race

But what the study does seem to show is that stand your ground benefits defendants a majority of the time and it matters little, if any, what color the shooter or the victim was.

Society may not yet be colorblind, but stand your ground seems to be.

It should not be a rallying point for racial grandstanding.

via Editorial: Stand your ground isn’t about race |

It will fall on many deaf ears, but at least some in the media are clear on the Race Card issue regarding SYG.

Defending Physicians as Gun Safety Counselors = FAIL

Your family doctor shouldn’t be forced to pick and choose which dangers he or she is legally allowed to be concerned about. Safe gun storage saves lives. Forbidding doctors from talking about guns and gun safety with their patients is short-sighted and dangerous.

via Physicians, the First Amendment, and the NRA – .

It does not help your cause for suggesting that physicians should be allowed to offer a professional opinion on something that they are not trained for, but if the graphic also shows a “doctor” violating one of the Rules of Gun Safety….. just pack it up and go home.

 philly physicians

Gun Control Groups are having a “Bash Georgia” day.

Moms Demand having a fit

Georgia Momsand our friends at the Coalition To Stop Gun Viloence
Georgia CSGV


And even the vanishing Brady Campaign chimes in:
georgia brady

Plus the Daily Beast, the HuffPo and Media Matters for America are chiming in as the Club of the Highly Offended and Very Scared Liars. The issue? A new bill in the Georgia legislature that they say will allow felons to carry guns, shoot innocent people and get away with it because Stand Your Ground….huh?

I found a version of the offending bill and the closest I could come up to the general zip code of what these idiots are talking about is this:

 Defense of self or others, as contemplated by and provided for under Article 2 of Chapter 3 of Title 16, shall be an absolute defense to any violation under this part.”

But already in the books in Georgia and not affected by this addendum as far as I ca see (O.C.G.A. § 16-3-21 Use of force in defense of self or others; evidence of belief that force was necessary in murder or manslaughter prosecution) states that:

(b) A person is not justified in using force under the circumstances specified in subsection (a) of this Code section if he:
(2) Is attempting to commit, committing, or fleeing after the commission or attempted commission of a felony
So WTH is going on? Why the sudden lust after this bill? If you read the bill, it is a nuclear strike against Gun Control in Georgia.  Twenty six pages of eliminating stupid and proven-useless restrictions, favoring self-defense for Law Abiding Citizens and putting criminals on the defensive.  I would call this our version of the SAFE Act plus Colorado & Connecticut Laws all at once.  This has to be chaffing the communal underpanties of all Gun Control groups something fierce so that is why suddenly they felt the need to temporarily unite in the effort.

Georgia Governor Nathan Deal has an NRA ILA rating of ‘A” but I am not up to Georgia politics and have no idea if he will sign or not the bill into law. If he does, good for the state and we can say that It Was The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia for Gun Control Groups.


A proposal to Gun Bloggers.

One of the ways the Opposition does its bidding is to create a false narrative (Yes, they lie) about a proposed piece of legislation making it look like it is the end of the world as they know it, but they almost never provide a link to the actual text of the legislation. They do this in the correct belief that most people will take their word for it and that will not take their time actually reading the bill in question.

I have made it a point (when I darn remember) of including the text any gun bill in a post for my readers to examine.   We are a smart bunch and we can interpret what we read without making too many mistakes. It also allows other to double-check what we say and make sure we are not interpreting something the wrong way. Lord know I have been corrected before and it has been all for our betterment.

Although more specifically to those Gun Bloggers that deal mostly in Gun Rights but I also think any gun blogger, even if they only deal with exotic guns of the Renaissance and do not like to delve into politics,  can either link to their local legislatures or to a Gun Rights Blogger of his/her state who is keeping an eye on the bills, specially when this year gun control groups are targeting more bad laws at state level forsaking the Federal laws.

Plus, it is a true enjoyment to see how gun control cultists get all twisted and shut up when you get to confront them with the facts. Apparently they seem to have a genetic allergy to that particular virus.

Remember, we are not in the fight to convince the raving Anti Gunner, but to get those who are not decided yet or may have a weak inclination on either side to vote our way.  Truth and facts are our best weapons.


The difference between Ukraine and Venezuela

Gallery of improvised Ukrainian Weapons

Tom Jamieson’s Weapons of Maidan | The Escapist.

As with anything having to deal with life and death, mindset is the key. Ukrainians quickly realized that peaceful protests and singing “We Shall Overcome” with a balalaika was not getting them anywhere but to having their asses kicked. They made the conscious and for many deadly decision to pump the volume to 11 on the aggressive side of things. Things there are still not over,  specially with the threat of Putin sending troops to “reclaim” Ukraine but the dictator was finally forced out.

Venezuela in the other hand is playing the tired old game of “Peaceful Demonstrations have Moral Superiority.” Apparently it has not dawned on them that this particular game only works if your intended target has what it is known as Morality. President Maduro has had no qualms on sending Regulars to quells by “Less Lethal” means dissension and he is also sending Irregulars to use more permanent solutions and terrorize folks into submission and silence. The last official numbers are 28 dead,  over 360 wounded and about a thousand arrested.  There is a good record of the injuries and deaths caused by the government goons in the internet, but that is just that: a record.

Other than erecting flimsy barricades, the methods used to counter government forces have been throwing rocks, running away and tossing paint bombs to obscure the view of armored personnel carriers sent to dissolve protests. The Ukrainians went a different way regarding APCs:

But finally in Venezuela, they have decided to step up the game against those infernal machines and against the goons. I found this “tactical” instruction in Twitter not long ago:
Venezuela Impro WeaponsThe underlined passage states to “Fill mayo or baby food jars with “cat, dog or human feces” kid you not, that is the new strategy.  Shit washes off, pellets & bullets tend to leave a much lasting impression and the Government knows it.

And if anyone out there is asking him and herself “Wait. Isn’t Venezuela an Oil Producing country? Gasoline is pretty cheap down there. How come we don’t see Molotov cocktails being used like cheap cologne?” And the answer would be…. I don’t know. Maybe they are afraid of hurting those who are trying to maim and kill them and lose the alleged moral superiority they think they have.

It shall make for a nice inscription in their tombstones.