It is just a pack of collegiate lies.
Last week, the Obama administration released the names of 55 colleges and universities that are under federal investigation for what appears to be ham-handed and insensitive handling of rape allegations. Dartmouth, Harvard and Princeton are on the list; so are Boston University and the University of South California. Closer to home, unfortunately, Florida State University is among the institutions cited.
The White House rightly felt compelled to bring the weight of federal law to the issue — specifically, Title IX’s anti-discrimination provisions — in the wake of increasing outrage over how some universities have put their reputations ahead of the safety of their own students by trying to sweep sexual assault allegations under the rug. Students, in particular young women who have borne the brunt of mishandled investigations — some in which they, rather than their alleged assailant, became the interrogated targets — have turned into the most vocal sector of academia challenging how foot-dragging administrators at colleges and universities handle, or fail to handle, allegations of sexual assault.
via Assault on sexual assault – Editorials –
We “know” this trend of sexual attacks is a lie. We “know” it is a lie because we have been told over and over again that colleges and universities are literally free of everyday criminal activity. We “know” that one of the bases for academic development is the free flow of information and honesty so there is no way that college authorities would stoop to lie or fidget around with something so sensitive as sexual assaults. And we “know” it has to be a lie when the most famous schools in the nation are being accused of such a dishonorable undertaking as we “know” they are all for the Truth and Knowledge.
Ergo, this has to be an attack by the Right Vast Wing Conspiracy (get used to see this resuscitated as the presidential elections get closer) and the Gun Lobby to force guns on campus and would only lead to distractions on the learning environment, turn debates into shootings and professors afraid to issue bad grades in fear they will be shot.
A controversial picture removed by Facebook and cropped by KnoxBlog
Too sexy? Showing too much skin? Twerking? Boozing? shooting up heroin? Nope.
It is a posed picture for the newspaper/blog. They did not carry them Evil Black Guns in school nor they went rob a bank or scare Shannon Watts. They were just having their pic taken with a couple of ARs, showing the proper gun safety and having a grand time. Hell, it looks she was the one having the best time!
But according to Reddit user FinickyPenance, Facebook found that the photo in question was “violating community standards” and Knoxblog got the usual Twisted Panties Brigade protests that the mother of the girls requested the pic be removed. Instead, Knoxblog cropped the pic to basic nothingness.
And as bad as I feel for the kids, the only thing that the Gun Control Twisted Panty Brigade managed to do is assure that at least 2 kids will see them for the petty jackasses that they are and remain firmly entrenched on the side of the Second Amendment.
PS: I can’t get over how much fun the young lady was having. I am willing to bet it was her idea….and you know her Dad was the picture taker.
Never lose sight of the objective because of a bruised ego.
My first police chief taught me that as long as no one was throwing punches, sometimes it was good just to let people “blow off some steam.” Back then new officers were taught the art of mediation. The choice to arrest, or not to arrest, was left to the officer’s on scene discretion.
Those boisterous people would often vent a bit and then regain control. More than once I was able to calm an irate individual by not reacting the way they thought I would. Many blowhards were ready to fight, but when I did not offer physical combat they took the cue and changed their tune. Some even apologized to me for losing their cool.
via Do You Have the Right to Resist an Unlawful Arrest? |
The article also deals with other stuff but we will leave out. The important part from a civilian self-defense point of view is that one of the best things we can do to go home and sleep in our own bed the same night is to keep cool and not feed the Ego.
In case you haven’t read it before, Ego is defined by that little asshole we all have inside and that gets us in trouble. Ego gets in the way when we should be de-escalating and its powers increase 10 fold by every BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) fraction we have in our system. We we happen to face an angry individual who is not an immediate danger, our best course of action may be not to feed the fuel that rocks his own Ego troll. That means to remain and show that you are calm, maybe even show some degree of remorse for any mistake you made (even if one is not necessary or warranted but make sure you sound contrite enough. Fake it till you make it) and even concede that to invest $20 on beers for the imbecile yelling at you is a much saner investment than six figures to a defense attorney.
This is not a 100% solution as nothing ever is, but you would be amazed how effective it can be as opposed as going head to head in an insult/yelling war. Words do not hurt. but stabs, bullet holes, fists to the anatomy, stomps, hits with a bat, etc all that stuff hurts or can kill you.
Wolves travel in packs – Tunnel Vision
Trough Google Translate and some fixin’ of my own:
A few meters from the bank branch where he withdrew Bs 12,000 ($200) located on Avenida Romulo Gallegos, opposite the television station Televen, Ricardo Sarmiento, 48, was killed yesterday morning.
He was shot in the head in front of a partner, when a thug tried to rip him of the money he had withdrawn from the agency.
The victim was an electrician and was doing work in Boleita.
When intercepted by the gangster, who demanded the exact amount of money he had, he wrestled and disarmed him. His partner helped him, but both were unware of another criminal who was near with own his gun. The man shot Ricardo in the head and rescued his accomplice. Both fled on a motorcycle and the money was not taken.
Lo matan aunque desarmó a hampón que quiso robarlo (Killed even after disarming the criminal that triied to rob him)
Take it as article of faith that bad guys have friends too or at least accomplices. We have read so many times that those “friends” run away when they see their buddies take one that we might forget that there might be one or two of them that decide not to follow that script and get instant payback.
Tunnel vision is hard to break. Our sight and concentration gets reduced to a cone of attention with an angle of about 25 to 30 degrees and fixed on that immediate threat, even when the threat is no longer one.
My particular way to try to break the tunnel vision anchor is: turn and consciously scan 45 degrees to my left (or right), vision back to initial target (confirm is still down) then consciously scan 45 degrees to my right (or left) returning once more to original target followed to a scan to the 90 degree….and you get the picture. I have to force myself to do it slow to be sure I am consciously scanning and not just looking but not so low that Granny McMaria can reach me and smack me in the head with her cane.
And yes, please remember to breathe. Amazing how we can forget about that under stress. Even if it sounds stupid, say something out loud to force fresh air into your lungs..”scanning left…clear! (or not)….scanning right…clear!” or whatever strikes your fancy.
One more thing: anybody noticed in the article where the robber asked for the exact amount of money the victim was carrying? Unfortunately it is not unusual down there to have an accomplice inside a bank of calls or texts the description of the target and the money withdrawn.
Do you have any techniques to break tunnel vision you want to share with the rest? Go crazy in the comment section.
You can stop helping anytime you want, thanks. (UPDATED)
UPDATE: It seems that the creator of the video decided to remove it and a good thing that is.
For those who missed it, the gentleman in the photo pas shooting at the old Moms Demand Logo, specifically the rendition of a bullet coming out of a barrel located in the lower left side:
After he is done shooting, he brings the target back, shows his grouping and gleefully says “Happy Mothers Day!”
Not quite the class act one would expect. Plus the Gun Control idiots are making free advertising out of it.
Can we like not behave like the Opposition? KTHX!
Original Post
Unfortunately some people have more technology than brains:
And this is the video:
And yes, he has the right to be a total jackass but does not have the right to make our jobs harder.
And then CSGV jumped the shark… (YCMTSU)
I know I have to go to the eye doctor so that was the first excuse for not believing what I was seeing. Glasses wiped and re-applied to my nose, I could not help myself but laugh:
Here is the full size of the pic:

What is next? Wayne LaPierre voodoo dolls? Michael and Shannon dolls with Gun Free summer-house and pink corvette, followed by SUV full of GI Joe’s Bodyguards?
Make it official & feel sorry for them.