Month: June 2014

Florida: Justifiable Defensive Threat of Force Signed in to Law!

Via Florida Carry:

House Bill 89 by Representatives Combee (R) and Edwards (D) in the Florida House, and Senator Evers (R) in the Florida Senate, was signed in to law today by Governor Scott. The new law clarifies that a person may threaten the use of defensive force in order to prevent or terminate an imminent or actual unlawful physical attack or commission of a forcible felony by an aggressor. 

The new law is designed to stop prosecutors from charging people who defend themselves and their families from criminal attackers with a crime, provide for having the criminal records of people who are wrongfully accused of aggravated assault for an act if self-defense expunged, and prevent the use of 10-20-Life against people who act in self-defense.

In over 90% of defensive gun uses no rounds are ever fired. The defensive display of a firearm, combined with a readiness to immediately use it, is often (but not always) effective in stopping a criminal attack.

Florida Carry is proud to have been a driving force behind the passage of this law which we proposed initially in 2012. The bill passed with bipartisan support in the legislature gained by the hard work of the Legislative Sponsors, Florida Carry, The National Rifle Association, Families Against Mandatory Minimums, and The Florida Public Defender Associations.

And as usual, READ THE DAMN LAW!

I concur with the sentiment.

Ribs should be served in 2 sizes.  Half Rack or Full Rack…. okay, 3 sizes – All the Racks.   Because when you eat Ribs and are 99% done, you should be thinking “OMG, I’m going to die from Stomach Rupturing Rib Over Dose.”  And the next thought should be, “But I got one more rib left, can’t let it go to waste.”

via North Carolina’s BBQ sucks | Mad Ogre.



I think these were my second attempt at BBQ baby backs. A tad over but damn good…and not enough.

And I suck at beef BBQ so no comments on the rest of The Ogre’s article.

Moms Demand attacks Target via Twitter #OffTarget.

Moms Demand Target

It is on right now and at full blast by fans and followers of Moms Demand.  Nothing new, we have seen this kind of social action but this one has a special flavor: Nobody on our side seems to be countering their efforts.

It is pretty much a sure thing that when one of these media events happen, my timeline is full of fellow pro-gun doing their business within the particular hashtag of the day. Today there is now tweets with #OffTarget as if it did not exist.

#OffTarget itself is moving, maybe not so rapidly, but  as far as I have checked (close to 1,000 tweets) not a single one is pro-gun or defending Target’s decision to follow local law. Do Gun Owners have a special hate for Target? Nobody shops there? Very few stores? Why there is no support? Everybody is silent but let’s face it, we saw the elephant that just dumped 200 pounds of manure in the living room and chose to ignore it.

My opinion is that defending Target would be giving the OK to the actions of Open Carry Texas, which incidentally must be holding another rally or buying tactical accessories for their SKS rifles because I don’t see tweets from Open Carry Texas defending Target either!

And I repeat, it is my opinion and that is my reason why I am not in there countering #OffTarget. I won’t validate the actions of OCT.

I heard in a podcast a Texas Gun Rights activist commenting that OCT might have done wrong, but at least they “had raised awareness about Open Carry.” May I say with all respect that they indeed raise awareness, but not the right kind. Earth First sets fires to high-priced housing developments and car dealerships in order to raise awareness to the environment but it is kinda proved that it has backfired and they are seen as a bunch of terrorist idiots.

That is the kind of attention we don’t need.


Another Frustrated Prosecutor Hates Castle Doctrine.

DENVER –  A Colorado prosecutor says he’s frustrated the state’s self-defense laws prevent him from charging a man who fatally shot an acquaintance in a drunken brawl.

Mesa County District Attorney Pete Hautzinger says he can’t charge Joseph Hoskins in the New Year’s Day shooting of Randy Cook inside Hoskins’ house. He says he’s hamstrung by the state’s “Make My Day” law, which protects homeowners from prosecution for using deadly force when someone illegally enters their home and there’s reason to believe that person will commit a crime.

via No charges filed in deadly Colorado brawl, highlighting latest test of US self-defense laws | Fox News.

I read this and I initially was mad but not surprised. I have been posting from time to time about Prosecutors that feel they are feel the laws should be tailored to what they feel is true justice. I searched more info on this case and came up with a more complete narrative:

After a night of drinking at a party in the western Colorado city of Grand Junction, Cook and another man went to fight Hoskins outside his house. The fight moved inside and to Hoskins’ bedroom, where the homeowner said Cook tried to snatch away his shotgun. Hoskins tackled Cook and shot him, according to Hoskins’ account of the night, which was relayed to investigators through an attorney.
Deadly Brawl Is Latest Test of Self-Defense Laws

So it is established that the “victim” went to the defendant’s property to fight, that the fight moved to inside the house and ended up in the bedroom. But the prosecutor feels that the defendant is at fault because….?

I see a dangerous trend beginning to bud all over the place. Under the excuse of “Bad Stand Your Ground is Bad” prosecutors and lawmakers want to eliminate not only SYG but the very basic Castle Doctrine to institute Duty To Retreat anywhere including in the sanctity of your home. Goes without saying that those elected officials who spouse this view have to be removed at the next election from office and people who really understand the letter of the law and the true exercise of justice must be elected to represent The People and make sure Justice is served, not to develop a track record for convictions.


Thoughtcrime: The Future Under Hillary.

 For example, if you happen not to support a new “assault weapon” ban, even if you keep your opposition to yourself, you are little better than those fellows who flew those planes into those buildings. (You still remember those fellows, right?) Ms. Clinton helpfully explained:

“I believe that we need a more thoughtful conversation, we cannot let a minority of people — and that’s what it is, it is a minority ofpeople — hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority of people.”

I submit that the enormity of that sentence is too great to absorb in just a single breath, so I’ll give you thirty second to take it in.

via Suburban Sheepdog: Terrifying.

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death”

Winston Smith, 1984

I am the Sergeant of a three-man Rapid Tactical Force at one of America’s largest indoor retail shopping areas.

Amazingly it has been 13 years since Gecko45 graced the shores of the Internet and I realized that there might be a new generation of people that joined the Gun Culture whom never heard of the Original Mall Ninja. The verdict is still out: half think he was some idiot poser trying to sound butch for the audience and the other half thinks this is without doubt the best troll to ever waste bandwith in the history of the Information Superhighway.  You read and decide.

Here is a sample:

I am the Sergeant of a three-man Rapid Tactical Force at one of America’s largest indoor retail shopping areas. [And here the myth begins”] Although there are typically between fifteen and twenty normal security officers working the beat there, we decided a while ago that it would be best to have a specilized force for violent individuals. We use modified electric vehicles and can be anywhere on a given floor within eight and a half minutes.Naturally, the regular security people are unarmed. We “RTFers”, by arrangement with the local police, carry high-strength OC spray and batons. If we have a full tactical alert and permission from the local LEOs we also have a Mossberg 500 with less-lethal rounds and two K-frame Smith .38s loaded with 158gr. LRN.Basically, the situation is that we get the call, we lock up the situation, put everything five by five, and cordon the area until the local authorities arrive. We’re cops, we just don’t get the glory. [Somehow, I imagine the real police wouldn’t agree”]I am not permitted to carry Glocks on duty; however, when my wife picks me up from work I strap on the “Deadly Duo” of a 27 and 23, each with Bar-Sto .357 bbl.I am writing a proposal to replace our current Mossberg-Smith armament with the following:

  • 3) MP5K-PDW with red-dot sights;
  • 2) G36 rifles using SS109 rounds;
  • 3) Glock practical tacticles in .357 Sig
  • 1) PSG-1 using Fed Gold Medal .308
  • 1) Starlight scope for the PSG-1 in case we lose power in the building.
  • 3) Glock 27 backup guns
  • 3) Kahr P-9 holdouts

I think this would make us capable of facing nearly any situation. I’ll let you know what the management says!!!

And it gets better. Check the rest (and save a copy) at Lonely Machines /Shrine of the Mall Ninja.