Month: March 2015

Grasstroturf in Vermont

During the hearing, lobbyist Tyler Wilkinson-Ray of the Necrason Group in Montpelier said his client, Gun Sense Vermont, would need to look further into a proposed amendment. The amendment, according to Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Sears, D-Bennington, did not change the scope of the bill but incorporated changes from several stakeholders….

….Nonetheless, Wilkinson-Ray said Gun Sense Vermont would need to explore the implications.

“We need to get national expertise on this before we can approve it,” Wilkinson-Ray said.

Sears appeared to be surprised that Wilkinson-Ray wanted time to study the changes.

“So you have to get a hold of the national organization? Is that your testimony?” he asked…..

….“Oh, wow. Wow. I can’t believe you just said that,” he responded. “I think we should take a five-minute break and you should check with your bosses and if you’re sure you want to say that this is not an honest effort.”

via Bickering erupts over motives on gun control  : Rutland Herald Online.

The extract above happened in Vermont’s Judiciary Committee meeting last Thursday. Gunsense Vermont has claimed to be a 100% grassroots organization when faced by accusations that they were nothing more than sock puppetry by Michael Bloomberg.

Go over VermontWatchdog and read more about this and listen to the audio of the exchange.

Video: “Yo man! Put the gun down.” (Update)

You come up to this scene, what are your thoughts? We have a young, decent looking kid apparently being threatened by an old fart with a gun. People around are getting antsy and stupid. What to do? Watch the whole thing, specially at the end.

So it turns out the old fart is actually an off-duty plainclothes officer and the young fella pulled a knife on him. That the young idiot is alive speaks volumes about the control of the officer or the fast response to orders of the perp.

And you have to love the Peanut Gallery: “You ain’t police!”, “put the gun down, we are here”, “Lemme see your badge.” “We are not the ones pointing a gun to an unarmed man”, “He is not gonna shoot ya!”, “He didn’t do nothing, he felt like pointing the gun at him” and then silence when the cops pull the knife off the kid. Hell, that fact that at least three idiots approached an unknown man with a gun displayed in an aggressive manner, tell you the kind of pitiful waste of grey matter is occurring at that time.

So lessons I get on this sucker:

  1. Appearances can be very deceiving.
  2. Don’t butt-in where you don’t have business to attend.
  3. Use you frigging phone for phone calls to 911 also. Leave the Youtube crap alone.
  4. Morons will pop out from anywhere and harass you. Cool head always.
  5. If you ever thought that Citizen’s Arrest is something you could do, you may wanna rethink your position. And:
  6. Appearances can be very deceiving…yes, again.

UPDATE: It is even more twisted than initially informed. According to KSL, the old man is a security officer who saw the young man with a knife arguing with two individuals. The young man (unbeknownst to the old man) was a victim of a crime (bike theft) and was confronting the thieves.


What is one more lie when the cause is so worthy?

First time debuting in the blog we have Americans for Responsible Solutions. ARS is spearheaded by the Barbie and Ken of Gun control, Gabby (I was for gun rights  till I found out I could make more money in Gun Control) Giffords and her husband (Mark (David Bowie ought to make a song about me) Kelly. To celebrate their first official mention in the blog, let’s try this one for size:

ARS Iowa BG checks



I checked and if I am not way off the mark, Iowa has a funky system to buy firearms: You basically need a permit from the government to go buy a sidearm from a FFL. This Iowa permit demands you get a background check in order for the permit to be issued. There is not such requirement for long guns.

Now, unless there is something I am missing, Iowa permit or not, when you go to a gun shop to buy a gun, you still have to go through the background check, form 4473, etc. The bill simply wants the state permit to be eliminated since you still have to go through a background check at stores and gun shows, in other words, let’s get rid of an unnecessary redundancy.

But according to Ken und Barbie Gun Control World, Iowa would sell guns to anybody without any type of background checks…which at least over this side of the planet (and probably yours) is a lie.

But it is OK as they are allowed to lie you just make sure you send your cash donation to Americans for Responsible Solutions.

gabby giffords ar kid

Well, that was rather embarrassing.

However, Duke University Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Jeff Swanson cautioned that the link between gun violence against others and diagnosable mental health is, in fact, very small. “Twenty-eight percent of gun-disqualifying records are related to mental health,” he said. “But only 4 percent of those who commit gun violence have a serious mental illness. If we waved a magic wand and eliminated all diagnosable mental health problems, we’d have 96 percent of the same gun violence.”

via Gun panel aims for ‘gun violence restraining order’ | Crosscut.

This was a panel discussion Friday by a group called the Consortium for Risk-Based Firearm Policy at an undisclosed location by the article, but probably Washington State. They were arguing the pros and pros of California’s “gun violence restraining order” and this Professor apparently jumped the fence and pretty much shook the excuse of mental illness to ban guns to the ground.

I call it embarrassing because the Consortium for Risk-Based Firearm Policy turns out to be a pseudo think-tank of our friends at the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence via their Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence. I figure they were not expecting Dr. Swanson to get off the reservation or that it was recorded for posterity.

Damned Internet!

Another list of Gun Dead People, Another Oops!

Ssgmark was perusing the news and found something “interesting,” A heartfelt Washington Post article (March 21,2015) on the memorial erected by the Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church:

Memorial to the lost1
Click on pic for full size version

On the lower left corner, you can see the yellow T-shirt with the name “Ray Savoy.” Now, who was Mr. Savoy? According to the Washington Post (12/9/2014):

To his girlfriend’s family, Ray Savoy seemed an attentive, loving boyfriend. The 29-year-old carried Kristy Flowers, an aspiring lawyer, up and down the stairs after she had surgery on her foot and often made sure that her baths were accompanied by candles and chocolates….
…On Tuesday, police officials in Arlington County said they believe that Savoy fatally shot Flowers, 31, inside the apartment they shared on North Kensington Street in the Westover neighborhood, then shot and killed himself

People need to be picky and not just read off a list some other idiot provided. You may remember the embarrassing effect it had on the Mayors Against Illegal Guns “No More Names” tour bus which had names of criminals doing their deeds and even dying while confronting police or an armed intended victim.

I am gonna quote from Ssgmark’s email because it reflects perfectly my sentiment:

Maybe I’m being picky, but listing a murderer as a victim of gun violence is a bit too inclusive for my taste.  Especially since I’m assuming that somewhere nearby is a tee shirt with his victim’s name on it.
I could have not said it better.