Garland ISLAMIST Terrorist Attack.
I guess they cannot call it “crazy Tea Party” shooter or “Mentally Troubled teen” or even “Workplace Violence” so that might be why it is getting such a poor coverage.
And with that in mind, allow me to say that the fable “Not If but When” has come officially to pass.
Saw this meme around:
Funny as hell, but also wise: We have several innings to go and they will come back to the plate. We cannot expect they will remain dumb all the time.
Their next target will be researched ahead of time, scouted to look for security and planned to create the biggest amount of killing. If they happen to get a couple of lone wolf idjits with some brain matter, the only thing they have to do is research mass shooters to get ideas.
Gun Free Zones: Bet you butt. The event in Garland was in a school zone so people were unarmed, but they did hire lots of well armed security, not what usually happens. And speaking of schools, we cannot dismiss a condensed Beslam-type scenario. Instead a full production with a cast of hundreds, two or three shooters might be used and be very effective. Even schools with Resource Officers will be fair game since usually they only have one who probably will be one of the first ones to go down. Malls in states that GFZ signs have the weight of law, Churches where it is legally forbidden to carry or the religious leaders have chosen to make the House of God a temptation for evil jackasses to come do harm to the flock.
Texas No More: They will seek locations where the chance of armed civilians is low. So, New York, L.A. Boston and states where the gun laws are not citizen-friendly are once again targets.
State Intelligence LEOs should be crapping on their pants by now. I noticed something interesting: The Garland Shooters were not from Texas but Arizona. They went to a state that probably did not have them in their database and thus expected no specific actions from them. We know that the FBI did have interaction with one of the shooters, but it will be a cold day in the Everglades before the Feds become gratuitous with their intelligence… and I think it might be against the law too. It may be a good idea for State LEO agencies to start a very serious intelligence-sharing process among themselves.
Time to rethink the small 9mm as back up and go back to Full & Medium Size handgun. I had grown fond of my Kahr CW9, but I will revert to my FN with 2 spare mags because boolits. 49 rounds is what we call “a good first step.”
Truck (Vehicle) gun. Distance is better, more distance is more better. Not engaging on what brand/model you should get, but just make sure it is a powerful cartridge and that you have the way to properly lock that thing against thefts.
What else is there? What have I missed you think we need to cover? Chime in!
Domestic Violence.
Two reasons I never got into Law Enforcement were Child Abuse and Domestic Violence. Having to remain calm and professional after seeing a woman or a child beaten, abused or raped would have driven me insane, chemically dependent or in prison.
And unfortunately, our community is not spared from idiots. TacTissy was the target of domestic violence, but she has come forward and called it.
Whomever the idiot was that hurt her, he must be one scared sumbitch. We don’t take kindly to his brand of macho.
So many acres… so little lime.
They’ll eat their own: Joss Whedon went into cyber-hiding.
Joss Whedon is the screenwriter and director responsible for both Avengers blockbusters as well as television favorites “Firefly” and “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” Unsurprisingly, Whedon is also an outspoken leftist who uses his Twitter feed to mock and ridicule conservatives. He thinks politicians who deny climate change should be denied penicillin, believes men should be denied the vote on “reproductive health,” and despises Justice Clarence Thomas and organized religion. He certainly hates all the right people — so why are progressives mad at him? It seems one of his strong female characters isn’t quite strong enough for radical, third-wave feminists.
Source: Feminists Chase Avengers Director off Twitter | Ricochet
I have not seen the movie (Or plan to unless it comes to USA Network) so I am going with what was said online. Apparently he dared to make the Black Widow somewhat human with frailties and that upset a lot of fans.
This is hilarious since Whedon has a history of creating strong female characters and some people have said that it has inspired many a young girls to grown into a strong female which is great. But there is a problem with that: Strong Women reject Bitchy-Whiny Feminists.
Strong Women are what the want to be. They can be sexy and giggly or Serious and All-Business. They will worry about their figures or about their kids. They may do CrossFit or long-range rifle shooting. But what they are not and never will is purposeful Victims and will not tolerate Gamma Mates. They are looking for a partner, not Pajama Boy (or girl).
It seems that Whedon’s work was not appreciated by the Bitchy-Whiny Feminists who are part and parcel of the political universe he lives in. And maybe that is the reason he creates Strong Women characters: The pickings are slim on his side of the fence. Insecurity is not sexy.
And I found this collage in Facebook. We may need all the cheese in Wisconsin to counter the whine.
King Arthur has died: Nigel Terry R.I.P.
Just found out about Nigel Terry’s passing. I guess I am one of those weirdos that believe Excalibur was the best movie ever made about the legend of King Arthur.
Many great actors and actresses were in that movie and all gave amazing performances. If you haven’t seen it, you must. But Terry’s best scene was, in my opinion, this one:
I haven’t seen the movie in a while. I guess I’ll be doing that later.
Farewell King Arthur.
No, There is no excuse for your actions in Garland, Texas.
Things are still “fresh” or at least the info has not been released in full. But the saddest part so far has been the apologists of the attack because, you know, them drawings were so mean:
Now, if an excuse could be made for violence because cartoons are deemed by a group as to be so insulting they demanded the killing of those who draw them and support them, Does that mean that the Gun Community can go on hunting? We have been insulted over and over by cartoonists in the last 30 or more years, right?
Remember, we have been accused of every kind of madness and insulted in ways that would send chartered planes full of Jihadists to NYC to try to park them inside skyscrapers and in all that time not one single pro-gun control cartoonist, commentator, editorialist, journalist, etc has been killed because of their work against the Second Amendment.
But usually, the people who dislike one right, tend to have little consideration for the others, even when they are protecting what feeds them.
Oh well, I need more coffee.