Month: June 2015

#Gunsense Logic (or lack thereof) by Moms Demand. UPDATED.

Moms Demand Texas Lack Logic


So the reason that the guy went nuts and shot Dallas PD HQ is because Open Carry that is not yet legal in Texas. The guy who apparently was not open carrying a gun but the unsigned law made him do it or something like that.

Maybe after I had some coffee and a lobotomy I may understand what Shannon and Company are trying to say.

Update: CSGV’s Intern joined on the stupid by copying Mom’s post.

Moms Demand Texas Lack Logic CSGV

CSGV and Brady have been just parroting Moms Demand for a while now. Does that mean they belong to the Bloomberg Collective? That would make Shannon Watts the Bloomberg Borg Queen.

I bow to the Master Joker.

This guy is a legend. Just a God and hero among men. Mark Gubin is an artist and photographer in Milwaukee and decades ago he realized that his studio was along the flight path to the local airport. He had the brilliant idea to paint on the roof of his studio in giant letters “Welcome To Cleveland.” Why? To mess with people mostly.

The sign is decades old, and is having new life today after being passed around Twitter. For years the sign has caused passengers on planes to freak out about going to the wrong place. There apparently was a Denver to Cleveland flight that stopped over in Milwaukee and the sign caused all sorts of confusion from passengers who thought the plane must have skipped the layover.

Source: Guy Who Lives Near Airport Painted “Welcome to Cleveland” on His Roof, He Lives in Milwaukee: The Q: GQ

We are not worthy!

Hat tip to Jay H.

CSGV has a Wish List. Scary Stuff in there.

So the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence asked its Facebook Members the following:
CSGV Wish List2


And I am not surprised by the responses given, but what really scares is the depths of ignorance and intolerance the Laddites have.  Here is a collage of some selected samples.

CSGV Wish List1


But one in particular is new to me and I have to say it takes the disturbing to a new level:

CSGV Wish List3

Annie Prusich False thinking that gun ownership makes your family safe when in fact the opposite is true. Reforming those that believe the falsehood that guns protect will help clear the way for laws that truly protect our families.
8 · 3 hrs

We have this twit, this imbecile actually advocating for Room 101? Maybe a good dose of The Ludovico technique? She wants the mental reprogramming of people. Holy God in heavens, we have American Citizens willing to do that to other citizens because of stupid politics that they do not understand and Constitutional rights they do not respect?

Room 101
Room 101 (1984)


The Ludovico technique
The Ludovico technique. (Clockwork Orange)

And we are the ones that need a mental background check, right.

Helmet tip to Steven T. for the wacko alert.

Less Militant, but still drives the message.

Fresh from Arizona Arkansas (Yes I screwed up):
Logan County Sheriff

LOGAN COUNTY (KFSM) – The Logan County Sheriff’s Office announced on Saturday (June 6) that it would be changing uniforms for deputies to save money and present a “less militant” appearance.

Source: Logan County Deputies Change Uniforms To Develop “Less Militant” Look | Fort Smith/Fayetteville News | 5newsonline KFSM 5NEWS

I found this news item in some Police FB group and there was a lot of butthurt. I don’t know why as Logan County is in Arizona Arkansas and that is the Texas Ranger look so it has to be familiar. And unless you are a seriously stupid local criminal or recently arrived from the East Coast, you know damn well you don’t flock around with a Ranger unless you want to become integral part of the local topsoil.

Update: Logan County is in Arkansas, don’t ask me what kind of crap my brain pulled on me. Mea Culpa.



This is why we shouldn’t let Liberals dictate policy

Joyce Carol Oates

Legendary author and liberal political Twitter pundit Joyce Carol Oates posted a tweet yesterday that set the internet on fire.The 77 year old Oates posted the following tweet and hasn’t issued any follow up, leading many to believe she seriously thinks this is a real photo.

Source: Liberal Author Joyce Carol Oates Criticizes Steven Spielberg for Killing a Dinosaur… Yeah…

The offending picture? An old press release form the original Jurassic Park movie.

Spielberg Triceratops

This same pic was used already several times to troll Anti Hunters for at least two or three years. But to see a supposed member of the Intelligentsia (One Who Knows Better Than You) fail so miserably and think that an animal who has been gone from this planet for some 65 million years should make you re-think about allowing them at any table to have a “meaningful”  discussion about anything.

The original Tweet (no Oates) is still standing, go check the replies.